Fools Day Freak Outs

Here are some of the emails we got in response our story about Erik Brown, his long-term relationship with Chuck DeVore, The Voyeur “Nightclub”, Ken Calvert, Van Tran, John Campbell, Dana Rohrabacher, Blackwater fundraisers, and the search for pedophile Jeffrey Ray Nielesn.

Chuck DeVore – Just having fun

Some people just cannot tell, even with a “badly Photoshopped” picture of Chuck Devore getting punished, that our post on the Young Eagles was an April Fool’s prank. Although it did have a good mix of accurate and speculative information, there were some very obviously absurd points that were simply parody. The post was kind of meant as a “Where’s Waldo” for the GOP. Find what is not true and win a “booby” prize.


Chris, please make it clear in the post that it’s an April Fool’s joke.

I don’t really care about campaign hits. I do care about assaults on character that less perceptive press will pick up on and take seriously. Libel doesn’t take a holiday on April 1st.

Many thanks in advance.

— Joshua Trevino

Joshua S. Trevino
Communications Director
DeVore for California

On Apr 1, 2010, at 11:11 AM, Leisa Brug Kline wrote:

April Fools – but we’ll need to make that known.

– Leisa

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 1, 2010, at 11:05 AM, “Joshua Trevino (DeVore for CA)” <> wrote:


Whomever gave you this info is flat-out lying. Absolutely untrue. Ask them for any objective evidence: there is none.

Call me direct:

— Joshua Trevino

Considering the parodies that DeVore’s campaign makes about Don Henley songs, Boxer and Carly Fiorina, we’d expect them to posess a better sense of humor.  But nope, Chuck’s people prove once again that they are as humorless as the master they serve.  Might we suggest DeVore adopt a “Chuckles the Clown” approach to parody: “A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants….”

Newsflash to Joshua S. Trevino; parody is protected speech even if the subject of the parody doesn’t get it. And as for Mr. Trevino’s comment to Ms. Kline: “Whomever gave you this info is flat-out lying.” Check Chuck’s misrepresentation of Senator Boxer’s record in his usual stump speech or the content of the signs his teabagger patriots carry at rallies for “flat-out lying.”  For Boxer to lie about Chuck’s record, we’d first have to ask: he has a record?  We can’t think of a single meaningful bill passed by Chuck in his 5+ years as an assembly member.  Must be all that “hemp” in the air.

From News Reporter:

I hate to be a wet blanket but given that these guys did get money from brown I was about to send their flaks notes asking what gives.
Sorry chris… not funny given the season.

why is the TeaBag there? This replica lacks “testicular fortitude.” Happy April Fool’s Day (c) 2010 The Liberal

To wit, Art Pedroza seemed to take issue with our post that used a doll that looked remarkable like him.  From comments in Total Buzz:


Actually your doll post was not an April Fool’s post. It was funny, but the whole point of an April Fool’s post is that the readers cannot easily figure out that it is a gag, until they read the whole thing.

We had plenty of readers fooled today. You on the other hand spent the day playing with dolls

Post Reply
DanChmielewski says:

Yeah, that must be way the DeVore team was all up in arms about our DeVore/Voyeur post. The doll piece was a perfect April Fool’s Day post because *you* still can’t figure out the gag. Here’s the hint; the doll has thicker skin than you do.

Post Reply
DanChmielewski says:
April 2, 2010 at 7:49 am

We had plenty of readers fooled today. While we’d love to have had more comments from readers on the blog, our email boxes and phones were flooded yesterday with calls.  Dan took one call from someone laughing so hard at the photos of the doll, they said “I guess I can skip my workout today.”

Perhaps next year, we’ll expand our doll collection to include Sean Mill and Tony Bushala and then use those 1960s long haired Trolls to represent the anonymous bloggers for both sites.

So to Art, either your readers aren’t that smart or there’s that elusive battle you have with the truth in your posts every day. Which is it?


  1. Chris,

    When I told you that the DeVore post was very Pedroza-esque of you – that was not meant as a compliment.

  2. Chris,

    Why bother with DeVore? His whole campaign is a joke.

    By the way, I am going to ask Moorlach to have your computer use at work audited. Good luck with that.

    • Give it your best shot Art. You, or Sean, tried to accuse me of blogging from work a few months ago; nothing to find. You would think that as a guy who probably lost his last real job over blogging from work, you would have a different perspective. Then again, a man with no character is simply a caricature of a man.

    • Art – do you really think you hold that much sway that Moorlach will impound Chris’ computer? Good luck with that

      Chris doesn’t blog from work. He schedules posts to break throughout the day

      Keep proving what a moron you are Art

    • So Art. If an audit does happen and nothing shows up, you’ll have no problem reimbursing taxpayers for the cost of the audit you asked for?

  3. And there are witnesses and video to prove that Art Pedroza promoted sex between grown men and young children on websites that he owned. Someone should call OC social services/child abuse at 714-940-1000 and ask them to investigate and search Art Pedrozas computer.

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