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The Old Boys Network at Work in Tustin

October 1, 2010 6

[youtube][/youtube] Is it that hard for elected officials officials to be respectful?  Carly Fiorina has an entire ad dedicated to an exchange between Senator Barbara […]

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The AD-70 Race’s Biggest Winner: Melissa Fox

June 9, 2010 13

While watching the returns for the Republican primary in the AD-70 race, it should be obvious that the biggest winner of the primary election for this seat last night was Melissa Fox. She came in with more than 10,600 votes surpassing even Republican primary winner Don Wagner by a few hundred votes. We’re hoping Wagner shows the willingness to debate Fox for this seat and often.

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Carly wins the GOP Senate Nod

June 8, 2010 2

The Washington Post and NY Times report that Carly Fiorina has defeated Tom Campbell and Tea Bagger Chuck DeVore for the GOP Senate nomination. Sorry […]