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Irvine Republicans in Disarray

October 29, 2010 12

In the kerfluffel between Irvine city council candidate and city council member Christina Shea, Irvine Republican “insiders” are declaring Shea “toast” as she leaves office.  […]

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Krom Beats Campbell

October 18, 2010 1

In fundraising last quarter.  It’s true.  And most of Beth’s contributions came from individuals who vote and not PACs who don’t. Here’s the skinny on […]

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Around South County: Bill Clinton, Sanchez, Krom, Fox, and more…

October 11, 2010 2

As I continue to travel around South County on my listening tour, I have been hungry for news on the election front. As it stands today, unless one looked at the actual signs, you wonder if an election actually existed. There is news, though: Giuliani is coming to OC to campaign for Van Tran and Carly Fiorina. But, there is also a bigger start coming to town too: Bill Clinton!!!