Surprising Guests at RNC Voyeur Night Club Young Eagles Outing

The RNC Young Eagles “Art Tour” at a bondage-themed West Hollywood night club which featured simulated lesbian sex acts is a gift that just keep on giving. TheLiberalOC has learned that Mr. Erik Brown, a Republican campaign consultant, has had a much more extensive relationship with California GOP Senate hopeful Chuck DeVore than he want’s us to know. Despite distancing himself from Brown this week, claiming the following: 

A DeVore spokesman sought Monday to distance the assemblyman from Brown, saying DeVore has “severed all ties” with Dynamic Marketing. Joshua Trevino described the DeVore campaign’s relationship with the firm as “brief and straightforward.” 

“We had them print some campaign letterhead, trifold signs, and stickers,” Trevino said in a statement. “That engagement ended some weeks ago when we contracted with a different printer, and will not resume.” 

Chuck DeVore - Just having fun

Slight problem with that, as Dissent the Blog reports

State and federal records show DeVore has spent more than $70,000 with Brown’s company, dating back several years. That’s hardly insignificant. Moreover, Brown served on the board of the Orange County Young Republicans – a group that DeVore has courted. 

For more on DeVore/Brown, go to Chuck Devore did not have a guy-night boner with Erik Brown

We have also learned that Mr. DeVore was responsible for recommending the Voyeur night club to the RNC. In addition to having a long-term relationship with Erik Brown, including being one of the few GOP candidates that Brown has given money to, Mr. DeVore was actually at the event. 

He was there, with other recipients of “Brown Bucks” Representative Ken Calvert, and Representative John Campbell. Calvert was observed leaving the excursion in his car with one of the “artists.” As far as we know, Calvert did not pull off the road anywhere. Mr. Campbell left with Assemblyman Van Tran, who happens to be one of the National Republican Congressional Committee’s “Young Guns.” 

In related news, the RNC has cancelled all previously scheduled Young Eagles events, including one scheduled to be held at the Xe (Blackwater) US Training Center. As far as we know the fundraiser for Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, scheduled on April 18th at the estate of Blackwater founder Erik Prince, has not been cancelled. Congressman Rohrabacher was not at the Voyeur event, rather we hear he was cruising the Rage Dance Club in West Hollywood, looking for his former protege, convicted pedophile Jeffrey Ray Neilsen.

Gee, what tangled webs we weave.



  1. DeVore’s team has no sense of humor whatsoever. That badly photoshopped photo wasn’t enough to tip anyone off that this is parody? Geez Louise.

    Before we start shouting “lies’ perhaps you guys could fact check those TeaBagger signs at the rallies Chuck speaks at…

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