Tan Nguyen Trial Delayed?

Okay, this is just taking way too long.

Martin Wisckol has this over on Total Buzz Blog:

Former candidate Tan Nguyen’s trial delayed

aug16tan Memories of Tan

Republican – and former Democrat – Tan Nguyen was to go to trial next Tuesday on federal charges related to a voter intimidation investigations. That trial has been postponed until Jan. 12, 2010.

Yeah, that’s right, almost 3 years ago Tan Nguyen ran against Loretta Sanchez for U.S. Congress. Towards the end of that election season Nguyen’s campaign sent out a fraudulent and misleading mailer telling Latino’s that they could not vote. Tan Nguyen’s cmapaign office was raided by the State Attorney General and he was investigated by federal authorities for intimidating voters. He is charged with misleading investigators.

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax9oAjtulE4[/youtube]You may recall that Nguyen was major news for this blog and we had a great deal of fun at Tan Nguyen’s expense. So much so, that Nguyen threatened our founder Mike Lawson. Our favorite, in addition to the hundreds of Tan Nguyen signs that were altered by artists (vandals) was the rally outside his campaign office where the song Stand By Our Tan was imortalized in history.


Pictures paint a thousand words… 


tannguyen Memories of Tan

Tan Calling Republican Party

Awkward Tan

Tan or Else

Tan2 Memories of Tan

tancartoon1 Memories of Tan
tancartoon2 Memories of Tan

1 Comment

  1. theres no reason this should be taking so long but when it’s over i hope they lock this communist filth up for a long time to ponder his crime. i still think lawson should have made a police report of the threat he made to him. tan always talked about what a drain illegals are in the country but now he’s draining our legal system claiming poverty so he doesnt have to pay for a lawyer even though he has a few houses. two members of my family got those letters one of those was my mom. i know he wont be deported but it sure would be nice to see him sent back to danang. i hear theres no beaners there so he should be pretty happy.

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