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New Indictment For Tan Nguyen

June 28, 2010 1

The river of trouble for the 2006 GOP nominee in the 47th Congressional district, Tan Nguyen, is getting deeper. New charges have been filed by federal […]

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LiberalOC reaches the 5000 post mark

April 20, 2010 1

Today we have reached the 5000 post mark for our almost four-year old blog. April 26th marks our fourth birthday. For four years we have brought liberal perspective to the orange county blogosphere. We have challenged the right-wing republicans, and we have even taken issue with some democrats. With 732,000 visits and about 1.38 million page views to date, we look forward to many more years of Challenging the Right-Wing Noise Machine.

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Recycling Tan Nguyen

March 30, 2010 3

Tan Nguyen is back, and so are his old signs. So it seems Tan Nguyen is a fan of recycling. Kind of odd, for a Republican. I wonder if he believes Global Climate Change is real.

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Tan Nguyen Running For Congress Again?

February 23, 2010 6

We have learned that someone named Tan Nguyen has pull paperwork to run for Congress in the 47th Congressional District. Tan Nguyen was the unsuccessful Republican challenger to Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez for in 2006. Nguyen is currently facing trial in federal court for misleading investigators regarding intimidating letters sent out to Latino voters by his campaign.