Indictment for Tan Nguyen over Racist Mailer

Well the wheels of justice move slowly, but it appears they do sometimes move. Tan Nguyen, Republican challenger to Loretta Sanchez in 2006 was indicted today by a federal grand jury for lying to federal investigators about a letter sent by his campaign two years ago to latino immigrant voters implying that they could not vote.

We will post a retrospective of the Tan Nguyen Saga, which actually helped launch this blog, later tonight. In the mean time, the story is up on Total Buzz HERE.


  1. That move was pulled in the age of Republican hubris.
    I am glad that this case wasn’t squashed by one of Alberto Gonzales’ judges.

  2. Bravo, we must keep vigilants against any new attempt to stop the voting rights of all our communities. Tan and the people that supported him should be a shame for what they did.

  3. Thank God, justices wasin the side of the people that just want to be part of the voting process. Tan is getting what he deserves for intimidating Latino voters. Lets keep alert for any new signs against our right to vote.
    Elect Obama-Biden

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