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Don Henley Kicks Chuck DeVore’s Ass in Court

June 4, 2010 0

HT to our friends at the Huffington Post but State Rep. Chuck DeVore has already lost his first battle of the month and its not even primary day. DeVore lost a lawsuit for his campaign’s parodies of Don Henley songs to attack Senator Barbara Boxer. Chuck’s claim to fame here – he’s the first political to lose a lawsuit over a song parody. So much for that copy of the pocket Constitution. Perhaps an expanded edition dealing with First Amendment law will fit on Chuck’s iPad.

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Why Doesn’t Steven Choi Tout His Military Experience?

May 17, 2010 10

We paid a visit to Choi’s website and did email the Councilman’s fundraiser asking about his service in the South Korean military. There’s no mention of Choi’s military background on his website. Frankly, I find it odd for a Republican not to mention any military service. Look at Chuck DeVore’s mulitple references to his own miliary experience. Dana Roharbacher evaded the draft but is as hawkish as can be. Vice President Cheney is famous for having other priorities during Vietnam.

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Fools Day Freak Outs

April 3, 2010 8

Some people just cannot tell, even with a “badly Photoshopped” picture of Chuck Devore getting punished, that our post on the Young Eagles was an April Fool’s prank. Although it did have a good mix of accurate and speculative information, there were some very obviously absurd points that were simply parody. The post was kind of meant as a “Where’s Waldo” for the GOP. Find what is not true and win a “booby” prize.