And now for some non-partisan helpful Election Day information

banner-election-dayOn election day some voters find themselves wondering where to vote and who to vote for. This last minute frustration can lead some of these voters to skip voting rather than search for the answers. We hope that the information below will be helpful in guiding these voters to the polls today.

Where do I Vote?

The Orange County Registrar of Voters has a helpful function on their website that allows voters to find their voting place and even find their sample ballot. That can be found here. If you don’t live in Orange County, The AFL-CIO has a site that can assist you here.

How should I Vote?

You’ve made the biggest step by simply asking this question. Informed voters are the key to a successful democracy. We are not going to try to create a list of recommendations for this election ourselves, because there are plenty of groups that have done the work already.The following sites will help guide you towards candidates and positions on ballot issues that closely reflect the values of progressives, liberals, and Democrats. Yes, these recommendations are partisan.

California Democratic Party
Democratic Party of Orange County
Orange County Labor Federation

There are several initiatives we want to point out specifically. If you live in the areas voting on these matters, we recommend the following votes:

Orange County Measure E — NO
Anaheim Measures L and M — YES
Costa Mesa Measure O — NO
Irvine Measure W — NO
School Bonds (All) — YES

Most importantly though, please cast you vote today. The polls are open 7 am to 8 pm. If you still have your Vote-by-Mail ballot do not mail it today, you can turn it in at any polling station on election day.
