Lalloway Flyer Claims Irvine Police Endorsement He Didn’t Get


It’s been fun watching thin-skinned Irvine city council candidate Jeff Lalloway whine on social media about “lies” spread by Irvine Democrats.  When I ask if he’ll walk back the lie he spread that it cost the city $12,000 to change one word in a Great Park report, he just deletes my comment.  When he whines about never supporting toll lanes, he deletes a link I left to a Voice of OC story that shows his yes vote gave away all the leverage the OCTA had to prevent toll lanes.  But Sunday’s Lalloway Lie is the best — he has the support of Irvine Police…except that the Irvine Police Association did not endorse him.

Now I’m sure some officers back Lalloway for council, but the IE has a photo of an official city of Irvine Police Badge, and I’ve always been told you can’t use an official city seal or logo or police car in campaign literature, but Lalloway’s flyer — placed on windshields while people were at church — depicts an Irvine City Police Badge and text that dances around the no IPA endorsement to imply that Lalloway has the backing of Irvine cops.


Jeff Lalloway is not endorsed by the Irvine Police Association.  So the flyer is a lie.  And perhaps because someone placed them on cars at church services Sunday, Lalloway won’t mind if someone places a Democratic flyer on his car during say…Yom Kippur.

City Council candidate Melissa Fox, who is the daughter of a retired Irvine cop, is outraged. She issued this statement on Facebook:

“Jeffrey Lalloway is now claiming to be endorsed by Irvine Police Officers. Fact: Jeffrey Lalloway is NOT endorsed by the Irvine Police. His use of the Irvine Police Department badge is unauthorized, inappropriate, and disrespectful to the officers who wear that badge and put their lives on the line to serve our City. I am outraged — as the daughter of a former police officer and as a strong supporter of our remarkable Irvine Police Department.

Another flat-out, shameless Lalloway Lie — this time about our Police Officers, following Lalloway Lies about Sukhee Kang and Sharon Wallin.

No more Lalloway Lies!

It’s time to fire Jeffrey Lalloway.”




  1. I hope the voters of Irvine are smart enough to understand that virtually all the information appearing on campaign flyers supporting Choi and Lalloway and attacking Gaido, Agran and Fox have been lies (other than the names of the shadowy organizations that produced them)!

    Of course, Choi and Lalloway will claim that they are not responsible for those mailers and TV ads produced by “independent” organizations, so it’s a case of anything is now permissible. Of course, they won’t refute the information on those mailers and ads.

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