Kang to Sue CHA Over Bogus Mailer Supporting Irvine Republicans


The developers funding the Irvine Republican ticket have finally jumped the shark with a mailer than came out Saturday featuring former Irvine Democratic Mayor Sukhee Kang’s photo with text suggesting his support for the Republican ticket.

Kang, the city’s first Korean-American mayor who led the city through the toughest part of the Bush recession, was outraged.  He contacted me Saturday and issued this statement:

“I just received the attached campaign mailer with my photos and statements. It is shocking to see a mailer that I never authorized or made such statements. It was sent by the California Homeowners Association. All the statements in the mailer are completely bogus,” Sukhee Kang.


Now we urged former Mayor Kang to contact the Korean media to let them know this mailer was a dishonorable reflection of current Mayor Steven Choi’s supporters.  It’s a crafty piece designed at a glance to make it appear Kang is saying all the things the text of the mailer says without attributing it to him directly.  But it still meets the standard for defamation to graphically associate Kang’s image with the message of the mailer.

The California Homeowner’s Association (CHA) produced the mailer (one of its supporters is the Tait Family trust so all I can say is so much for the honesty and integrity of the Tait family is they support this sort of crap).  There mistake was using Kang who has the means and desire to file the lawsuit.

Irvine Democrats have to be outraged about the lies being spread by the Republicans this past week — Sharon Wallin joins a team of Republicans on a education ticket — nope/lie.  Kang backs Choi over his friends — nope/lie.  And meanwhile the developer funding this campaign is brazen about their lies because there’s probably precious little in the way of enforcement.

Voters can make the difference at the polls.  So make FivePoint waste all the money and don’t cast your vote for them.


  1. The only mistake I can see the producers made was Sukhee Kang was also part of the Council majority who approved the housing units referred to in the flyer.
    While some people might relate the photo of Kang to the verbiage, I see nothing directly relating any of the material as a quote by him. Tricky manipulation of the facts, “Yes.” Misquoting Sukhee, I don’t think so. I am not a lawyer, but will be interested to see how he fares in court. Frankly, this tactic is nothing less than a repeat of similar antics used by your boy Larry Agran in the past. What goes around, comes around.

    • Dan as usual you spin facts and are stingy with truth about the Housing Element at the Great Park. The following explanation by Council Member Christina Shea clearly lays out the history and how we got to the number of homes approved for building. Most of it was done under the managment of your BFF Larry Agran and his gang.

      Shea says, “The original Park Plan approved after our win with measure W and our agreement with Lennar for the 200 million, did include housing. That was 3700 units then there was a density bonus of housing proposed which I opposed, later, for another 1500 units, bringing housing at the Great Park to 4700 units, all supported by the Council majority headed up by Councilmember Agran Additionally, there were millions of sq feet of commercial development also a part of this plan, which were then taken out of the plan, converted to housing units, which was voted on by the Agran majority, supporting, on July 6th 2012, 10,700 housing units. Our majority came in with 1200 less units in November 2013, than their plan under the EIR review, stated above. You need to read the City minutes and votes of these approvals, as you honestly are incorrect.”

  2. Well, I really don’t know if its smart of the Republicans to sided with lots of real estate development because its changing Irvine’s demographics to one that would less support the Republicans. I understand slowing the growth but the development is making Irvine another Anaheim or Santa Ana over the 300,000 where you have to urbanized the city more. Lots of traffic and so forth.

    • Cynthia, you are right in your comments about the negativity of over development in Irvine. To the best of my knowledge, there haven’t been any General Plan Amendments leading to such a change in the last two years since the conservatives took control. In fact, they have reduced some proposed housing units at the Great Park previously approved under the tenure of Larry Agran.

      Most of the traffic problems we are currently seeing in Irvine are a result of the high density housing approved by the Agran Council at the Irvine Spectrum and Irvine Business Complex. Of course, now the Agran Slate have changed horses in the middle of the stream and are “No Growth” for campaign purposes. Should by some quirk of fate, they regain power, you will see another change of horses faster than you can blink an eye. As they say, “It’s just another day in Paradise.”

      • Pat — got your robocall last night and read Moxley’s stories; since we’re dragging old claims out (a possible felony, really?), does this mean it’s OK to bring up Christina Shea’s role in her daughter’s drug arrest more than a dozen years ago? I mean possessing and transporting methamphetamine can be charged as felonies after all. And Shea was mayor at the time.

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