Correa to Host 2010 Census Town Hall, Wed. May 13, Anaheim

Senaor Lou Correa 

(Santa Ana, CA) – State Senator Lou Correa will kick off the 2010 US Census with an an educational outreach campaign It’s In Your Hands town hall meeting at Savanna High School tonight from 6-8pm at 301 North Gilbert St., in Anaheim. Senator Correa, U.S. Census Experts, and Community Leaders with discuss the 2010 Census.

Senator Lou Correa stated, “I will be working together with the U.S. Census District Offices and other community organizations in my district to ensure that every person is counted in Orange County. Each person counted means more opportunities to fund the essential programs in my community related to education, health, public safety, and transportation.”

In a time of a federal disaster the government will use Census population numbers and demographic data to determine the scale of emergency relief resources for the affected community. One scenario consists of the federal government having the exact population number of school children and families residing in a community and in need of emergency vaccine supplies to suppress the H1N1 flu virus.

Counting everyone in a country as large and diverse as the United States is a significant challenge (U.S. Census Bureau). To do the job well requires reaching everyone and persuading them to answer the Census, despite the obstacles and hurdles that work against cooperation. For example, barriers range from lack of understanding of the Census to serious concerns about whether the government can be trusted with personal information. 

Every ten years, the US Census Bureau conducts a survey of our population, and for the first time since Y2K, 140,000 Census workers will venture out into neighborhoods across the US, sidewalks, driveways, parking garages and alleys to collect valuable information about our communities. These workers will use GPS handheld devices to update the Census address list in anticipation of mailing 2010 Census forms to everyone.

The address information will not be shared with any other federal or local governmental agency, including law enforcement, the IRS or immigration. The results of this Census will help to determine a person’s representation in government, as well as how federal funds are spent on roads, parks, housing, schools, and public safety in your community.

To minimize these barriers and maximize participation, the US Census Bureau will conduct a massive communications campaign that includes outreach by an extensive network of partners, paid advertising, public relations, and Census in the schools.

Senator Lou Correa stated, “It’s up to each and every one of us to participate and ensure that our families, friends, and neighbors are counted in the Census as well.”

For more information call State Senator Lou Correa’s district office at (714) 558-4400.

1 Comment

  1. \These workers will use GPS handheld devices to update the Census address….\

    I Worked for the Census in the address collection job, using the Hand Held Computors \HHC\, a 5 month project.

    The job took 5 weeks, turned in my HHC last week. Orange County is a done deal.

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