LA Times Reports: Governor seeks to Sell OC Fairgrounds to Narrow Deficit

LA Coliseum

Our Republican governor Arnold Scwartzenegger is seeking to sell state assets like the OC Fairgrounds, the LA Coliseum and other Calfornia landmarks to close the deficit according to a report on  The sale of these properties could raise between $600 million and $1 billion to state coffers (but who would buy San Quentin Prison?).


From the story:

Other items on the list for potential disposal include Cal Expo, site of the state fair in Sacramento; the Del Mar Fairground; the Cow Palace in Daly City; and the Ventura County Fairgrounds.

San Quentin Prison, California by Telstar Logistics.


  1. Be honest, we all know it’s just blather, trying to get everyone to vote for the stupid Prop’s.
    Ask yourself a really important question… Who could or would buy them? San Quentin is probably the most logical of the list that I saw, as a prperty that would sell and from what little I know, I think the clean up of the land from years of toxic waste would be prohibative for such a purchase, but I could be wrong… As far as all the fair grounds go it’s all hype and bluster.
    Just vote NO on dumb govt! Send Sac. a real message, STOP SPENDING SO MUCH!

  2. Selling of the fairgrounds is not totally improbable.
    Although the OC Fair has been around over 120 years, it has only been at the present location for half that time.
    The fair was located in Santa Ana for many years, Huntington Beach for a few, and Anaheim/Orange border for a few decades.
    Selling the valuable property and moving the fairgrounds to another part of the county might be a good fiscal decision for the 32nd Agricultural District (a.k.a. the Fair board).
    Let’s look at it from another perspective – How does it serve California’s best interest to own the Cow Palace in SF/Daly City? Other expensive acreage in Sacramento, Del Mar, Ventura, and Costa Mesa?
    In this crisis, we need to give serious consideration to ALL of our options.

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