AD 68: Van Tran, WRONG on the Budget Crisis

Did any of you catch an email from Assembly Member Van Tran that looked like this on the top? Now doesn’t that look sweet? I mean, what’s there to object?

Well, how about this? It’s just another GOP spin site that tries to blame the entire fiscal mess on the Democrats. Wow. Is that all you have, Asm. Tran?

Well, there’s another side of this story. Believe it or not, we can’t cut & “quick-fix” our way out of this crisis. We need a better budget that doesn’t just put band-aids on a gunshot wound, but actually takes steps to solve our long-term fiscal woes.

Here’s another view of our state fiscal problem. And if you’d like, you can tell Van Tran what you really think about the budget. And btw, here’s another great way we can send a message to Van Tran. 😉

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