Controllernator Says No to Terminator

The LATimes reported on thursday that Governor Schwarzenegger plans to issue an executive order next week cutting the salaries of almost 200,000 state workers if the Legislature doesn’t pass a state budget by August 1st.

Controllernator John ChiangIn a press statement, State Controller John Chiang said; “There is sufficient cash to make all payments, including state payroll, through September.” Chiang added; “this is a cynical attempt by a governor who has spent the past few weeks going up and down the state criticizing others for political posturing. Such an executive order is unnecessary and nothing more than a poorly-devised strategy to put pressure on the Legislature to enact a budget.”

Controller Chiang’s spokesperson Hallye Jordan confirmed to that, “absent a court order, the Controller Chiang intends to pay California’s public servants their full salaries.” In his earlier press statement Chiang said;

“As the Supreme Court has never addressed the legality of withholding full salaries versus paying minimum wage, the governor’s proposed executive order would only invite more extensive and expensive litigation. Worse, should the courts find that withholding full pay is illegal, the State will be liable for treble damages.”

So we hade the Controllernator standing up to the Governator. This is one very good reason why we elected a democrat as State Controller.