1. Great,
    two million dollars leaves orange county for a candidate that sees oc as an atm machine. Sweet!

  2. Perhaps I’ve been misinformed but from what I’ve heard, I’d agree with ‘bye bye money’.
    The county party, numerous candidates and lots of volunteers worked to help put this on. All I’ve heard we got out of it here is some photos and autographs, while the DPOC is struggling to get the funds needed for the rest of the year.
    He’s a great candidate we all support and want (make that NEED!) to see win and will continue to work hard for, but some down ticket support and help, even, or especially, in ‘red’ areas of blue states would have been nice.

  3. I don’t have a problem with Obama cleaning up; now we need to turn his donors into downticket donors.

  4. Dan,

    I’m all for Obama, but I don’t think that we should “count our chickens before they hatch” so to speak. I wouldn’t use “president-elect” until he has won this thing.

    It would be like calling the Angels “World Series Champions” and the season is just barely half-way done.

    Some of us still have a lot of work to do in order to see him make it to the White House.

    – Mike R.

  5. Mike —
    Its a dig on the Reeps who crowned Mimi Walters Senator-elect after the primary forgetting our outstanding candidate in Gary Pritchard

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