In reviewing the Orange County Register’s opinion pages on Sunday I came across Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s rebuttal to Steven Greenhut’s criticisms of her and Supervisor Bates’ votes for Sandra Hutchens as Orange County’s Sheriff. Glad to see they gave some ink to the rationale for the majority view of the Board. This would of course be in addition to Frank Mickadeit’s cigar-smoking, GOP-insider, society column.
I found the Supervisor made a compelling argument for the selection of Sandra Hutchens. She also did a good job calling out Greenhut’s objections to Hutchens’ selection as being more driven by his own sexism than policy.
Labeling Chairman John Moorlach’s reasons in voting for Hutchens as “bland rationale,” Greenhut conveniently skirted the entire issue of qualifications. But Chairman Moorlach is at least given the privilege of having his decision interpreted as being taken for policy reasons. Supervisor Bates and I, being women, are allowed no policy rationales and, instead, are accused of behaving like raving feminists. To refer to Hutchens’ appointment as a “Sister Act” is to imply that qualifications do not matter and that Supervisor Bates and I will vote for anyone just because she is a woman.
Ouch! Anyway, another point that Nguyen made that I found particularly interesting was; “While with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, then-Chief Hutchens addressed deputy corruption in the Narcotics Division.” Now that is a point that I had not seen anyone write about.
Here is the link to the entire rebuttal from Supervisor Nguyen.
I agree with Janet on this one. Listening to the crying going on by the GOP and their sycophants only tells me the three Supervisors did the right thing in not choosing someone connected to the GOP establishment in the county.
More shilling for Janet by Prevatt. What a suprise!
Sean, Don’t see any shilling here.Supervisor Nguyen wrote a ressponse to the one-sided coverage of The Orange County Register. I put up a post about it.
Shilling is what you were doing for Hoa Van Tran and his henchman Reynoso.
No similarity.
Let me know when you get your lips surgically removed from Janet’s rear end.
One sided coverage? The truth of the matter is that the Register did not look into Janet’s support for Hutchen’s enough. There is much more there than meets the eye.
What do you care? You don’t live here anyway. But hey you’re all for the “affirmative action” hiring so I’d expect you to think Janet did the right thing even though she screwed the people of Orange County by doing so.
But hey you’re all for the “affirmative action†hiring so I’d expect you to think Janet did the right thing even though she screwed the people of Orange County by doing so.
Sean. Could you please explain how Hutchens’ selection is Affirmative Action? I’d like someone to explain who they believe Walters was the superior candidate of the two.
1. He has run a successful jail, not just worked in one like her.
2. He had a plan to hit the ground running, it is going to take her 4 months just to formulate a plan.
3. He has a great working relationship with all the law enforcement agencies and their heads. She will need to establish trust with them.
4. He was near the top when the firm hired by the county scored the candidates, she was near the bottom.
5. He has 20 years of experience running a large law enforcement agency. She has none.
Hutchens was chosen because a bunch of rich, meddling Republican women wanted a woman to get the job and because John Moorlach was to keep the department and the deputies union weak.
“Hutchens was chosen because a bunch of rich, meddling, Republican women wanted a woman to get the job”
Sean, your sexism is showing. For the record, you did leave white and tea drinking out of the equaition.
But of course, to understand your reasoning, a person would have to believe that women are only good for sex and pumping out babies. God knows they shouldn’t be meddling in the affairs of men. Thanks Sean, for making that clear. I had forgotten that those were the rules.  ÂÂ
I understand that it is much easier to brand me a “sexist” than it is to defend Hutchens lackluster credentials when compared to Chief Walters.
You’d rather play on the emotions of folks than deal in facts. It’s understandable, because the facts contradict your position.
Now go get Janet her tea and biscuits. You don’t want to keep her waiting.
Let us all know when you get your lips surgically removed from Pulido and Walters rear end.
Sean Mill said of Walters-
“He has a great working relationship with all the law enforcement agencies and their heads.”
Then why did not one of them come forward on his behalf?
“Then why did not one of them come forward on his behalf?”
He had the backing of every chief of police in Orange County. Perhaps you should check your facts.
Sean Mill is a sexist. As always, he evades charges against him by spinning furiously. Sean: why should the people of Orange County had as a sheriff the head of a department notorious for brutalizing young Latino males?
“He had the backing of every chief of police in Orange County. Perhaps you should check your facts”
Yet not one of them released a press release or statement attesting to that fact. Not one of them stood up at the BOS and asked them to hire Walters. Maybe, like walters does with the crime statistics in Santana, Walters lied.
did that get rid of the italics? OK carry on boys
I understand that it is much easier to brand me a “sexist†than it is to defend Hutchens lackluster credentials when compared to Chief Walters.
Fair enough Sean. I’ll address the facts without resorting to acrimony.
Here are the facts as I saw them from OC Dem on the OC Punch. Good ones I believe.:
Who has managed the greater number of personnel? Hutchins.
Who has managed the larger budget? Hutchins.
Who has experience with the larger jail system? Hutchins.
Who has experience with the most number of contract cities? Hutchins.
You stated your reasons why you believe she is the better candidate:
1. He has run a successful jail, not just worked in one like her.
He’s run a city jail. She’s worked in a county jail at three different levels. The county inmate dynamic is a far different and problematic issue. City jails shop out their hard cores to the places where Hutchens has worked.
2. He had a plan to hit the ground running, it is going to take her 4 months just to formulate a plan.
And yet he has never detailed during his interview process or during the time between the interview and selection.
3. He has a great working relationship with all the law enforcement agencies and their heads. She will need to establish trust with them.
Sandra was second in command at one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the country. I could be wrong, but it would be my guess that she knows a lot of the same people. Or knows someone who does know them. It’s not that big a group.
4. He was near the top when the firm hired by the county scored the candidates, she was near the bottom.
And yet that didn’t shine through during his interview.
5. He has 20 years of experience running a large law enforcement agency. She has none.
She has worked in one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the country. Walters SAPD Budget was about $400M if I read the latest online budget for the city. By contrast, Hutchens was second in command to a department whose budget was almost $2B. Approx five times.
They both have their strengths. I believe taken in totality that Hutchens strengths make her the better candidate and choice.
“Sean Mill is a sexist.”
That would probably explain why I staunchly supported a woman to be the next President of the United States.
The Chiefs support of Walters was very much akin to DPOC’s support of Hoa. Only local chief must be supported, even if only lukewarm. Hoa only dem in race, support was only lukewarm at best.
Hutchins has a tough road ahead of her, but I for one thinks she’s up to the job. Best thing going is she has no connection to the previous regeime or OC politics. The fact that she entered this race, quickly made solid contacts and impressed so many is a testament to her abilities to communicate her message for OCSD.
I understand you support of your chief, but let it go already, we have our new Sheriff!
just asking—I think Sean was just responding to CP’s post. But I agree, its time to let go Sean. And Chris, since we’ve read one conservative supervisors rationale perhaps we can be spared the other two conservative supervisor’s reasoning’s in a future post on the Liberal OC.
I thought Walters was the better candidate(and was ranked much higher by the neutral search group) . But Hutchens was qualified for the position as were the other finalists. She worked the system well and is to be commended for that. I understand the disappointment by the Walters supporters–so close yet so far– but just as many have worked the “old boy’s” network for appointments in years past, now there is a “new girl’s” network(of at least two) who look at things differently. Including in this very close call opting for the outsider. Being a woman probably helped marginally with Nguyen and Bates helped and the CWLA involvement certainly helped with Bates but so what? Walters had some benefit from John Lewis signing on as well as his local connections over the years. I’m not sure why some of Hutchins supporters try to discount the role her sex played in the selection because I don’t think it follows that this implies she was not qualified for the spot–she clearly was for all the reasons stated in this thread and some of the statements done after the fact by he 3 vote majority. I think her sex had much less to do with her selection than Steve Greenhut suggests but more than some of her supporters will admit.–it put an exlamation point on the desire for a change and it allowed her a connection with at least Bates who ran with the CWLA crowd. But it’s not relevant–she was qualified for the job and I think she’ll do just fine as our Sheriff.