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Berardino responds to OC Register distortions regarding retiree medical benefits

September 20, 2010 2

Five years ago, Supervisor Bill Campbell and the Orange County Employees Association recognized two things: the importance of providing quality health care coverage for retired county employees and the rising cost of doing so. So, together, we addressed these issues head-on. Through the collective bargaining process, OCEA and the county arrived at an agreement that reduced the county’s unfunded liability for retiree medical benefits by $815 million while continuing to ensure our employees would receive adequate care in their most vulnerable years.

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Distorting public employee pay – Just another day at the OC Register

September 1, 2010 6

Sometimes the OC Register’s Watchdog reporter Teri Sforza get’s it right. But when it comes to analyzing government statistics I think she has allowed the Register Editorial Board’s prism of anti-government employee rhetoric to blind her. Such is the case with Sforza’s piece Tuesday titled Public pay rises despite recession.

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Does John Seiler actually think that Senator Lou Correa is a communist?

June 17, 2010 1

John Seiler seems to think that State Senator Lou Correa is a communist. In a post yesterday he wrote “thanks to the profligacy of Lou “North” Correa and others, state and local government pension funds in California are $500 billion in the red.” So exactly what about pensions for public employees is communist? Well nothing, but that doesn’t stop Seiler from trying to make a connection where there is none so that he can use the phrase Lou “North” Correa.