Hey, everyone! I’ve been thinking about it today, and I came to realize that we’re just barely starting here at TheLiberalOC.com to cover all the fun and exciting local campaigns all around us. We still have our work cut out for us, but I don’t know if we can do it all by ourselves.
So basically, I’d like to ask for your help on something: Which local races should we be paying more attention to? As you all should know by now, we really value the opinions of the folks in our online community. That’s why I’m asking you to tell me what hot races in your area I should look at.
I’m looking for Congressional campaigns, state legislative campaigns, city council campaigns, and other local level campaigns that should be getting more of my attention. And if you can fill me in on which awesome Democrats are running on all these races, I’d really appreciate that.
So now, I’ll give the stage to you. Pretty soon, I’ll be rolling out some exciting new developments on great local campaigns to watch. But since I’m no “know-it-all”, I’m sure I might miss something without your help. So go ahead, have your say, and tell me what local races you want me to cover!
Irvine Races
You will probably cover the Mayor and City Council races, but don’t forget the IUSD School board race. In a city, where education is the number one focus of *many* residents, coverage of education issues is often lacking. Not to mention support for education and schools is bound to be an issue in the other citywide races.
Gary Pritchard, the Democrat running for State Senate in the 33rd?
I don’t think you’ve provided enough coverage of the 1st Supervisorial District race.
Irvine Parent-
Good point. Education issues often do get ignored… Not just here, but throughout the local blogosphere. I’m sure either Dan C (he is our own Irvine blogger, after all!) or I will remember to take a closer look at IUSD this summer.
Call me. I’ll be more than happy to set up an appointment to visit Gary Pritchard 2008 HQ. 😉
1st District Supervisor…
What 1st District Supervisor? What is this “1st District” that you speak of? hehe 😉
Um Andrew, you better watch what you ask for 🙂
We are working so hard right now just to raise money and Gary is walking. Walking and walking some more!
Heather, I’m sure Gary needs help walking; one person can’t cover that whole district, which covers from Fullerton to Laguna Niguel including Orange, Villa Park, Tustin, Laguna Hills & Woods, Mission & Aliso Viejo, RSM, and bits of Buena Park, Anaheim and Irvine.
There must be Liberal OC readers out there who will help you, how can they contact you?
Vern, that’s an awesome question! And so far Elise is going to help in Lake Forest, Kephart is helping in Ladera Ranch (and vice versa, Gary is also helping the other Gary out).
People can email me directly at:
Ellinorianne@hotmail.com or they can click on my name and go to the website and fill out the nifty contact us form I actually got to work! There is also information on Gary there as well as his stand on issues.
Thanks Vern, Dems are supporting Gary in such a tremendously wonderful way, we are grateful for it! And one day, we might actually meet!
A courageous, Progressive candidate walking house to house everyday after work, must return with some inspiring stories to tell. I request you follow Gary Pritchard’s quest for the 33rd Senate Seat!
Heather & Elise-
OK, if you insist! Get back to me ASAP, and I’ll be more than happy to pay a visit to the Gary Pritchard office.
I’ll be volunteering over at Mayor Debbie Cooks Congressional Campaign but I’d like to hear about the other races in the county where Republicans are being turned out of office for their bad bahavior the past seven years (talk about bad luck!). If we get any gang bangers volunteering in HB politics we will ask them politely to leave their guns at home and write about it to the OC blogs.