UPDATE: The ROV reports no new filings from the Hoa Van Tran campaign; Edgardo Reynoso made a big deal to let me know the reports due today at 5PM were filed a day early. Perhaps what he meant was they were completed yesterday. The campaign has until 5PM today to get their documents turned in.ÂÂ
I just finished a 45 minute interview with Hoa Van Tran’s campaign manager Edgardo Reynoso. He reports an amended financial report has been filed with the county a day early which corrects mistakes noted in Matt Cunningham’s post on Red County a few days ago.
I have not seen the report, but I am passing along the news of its filing.
From An OC insider
Although if you REALLY want to get some coverage, just hire Edgardo Reynoso.
Of course, Hoa is still not allowed to speak. Naturally.
In fairness, the interview had to due with management practices of the campaign.
I’m pretty sure that you heard Edgardo correctly. Unfortunately, this is just another example of how Hoa’s campaign doesn’t really know what it is talking about.
The report that they allegedly filed would be the report for the period of March 18, 2008 through May 17, 2008. It would not be an amended report. The report is still not online yet at the Registrar of Voters. If indeed they have reported expenditures from before March 17th in this report, they will have again, filed incorrectly.
An amendment to a prior return is required; not the filing of the report that is due by 5 pm tomorrow.
Maybe Edgardo should pay me and Chris to be his treasurers, because he only amends his reports…excuse me, Hoa’s reports…when we point out the mistakes.