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What Would Reagan Do?

August 5, 2010 4

In his eloquent “Letter From a Birmingham Jail” written in response to white ministers who criticized nonviolent activist tactics, Martin Luther King, Jr., wrote powerfully, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” It greatly bothered King that white Christians could stand by idly while oppression of fellow human beings continued unabated, “Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.”

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My, How Times Have Changed

June 16, 2010 0

This post is heavily lifted from here. There’s a site called The Smirking Chimp recommended by digby (who is, IMHO, totally cool). Check them both from […]

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Allies of Jerry Amante use Liberal OC’s Report of Steven Choi’s Carpetbagging to Call for a Criminal Complaint for Election Fraud

May 9, 2010 3

A Liberal OC post about Irvine Council member Steven Choi’s residency in AD-70 is repeatedly referenced in a request for an investigation into charges of election/voter fraud filed by Tustin council member Jerry Amante’s pal Doug Davert. You can read about the entire complaint by going to Internet Truth Squad’s website and despite it’s claim they’ve been outing corruption since 2004, the Choi complaint is the only item you can read about