RNC and Trump Shooting; Random Thoughts

Been busy on social media since Saturday when there was an attempt on Donald Trump’s life that failed.  Those of us on the left condemned the violence almost immediately.  Our friends on the Right were convinced the shooter was a leftist, antifa and that we all wished Trump had been killed.  None of that is true.

The shooter was a 20-year-old registered Republican who lived in a house with multiple Trump lawn signs; published reports say the kid was bullied in school and he likely acted alone in the same manner school shootings happen.

The gun was a legally obained AR-15.

The shooter did not give $15 to an ActBlue account to bolster voter registration; that was a 69 year-old-man with the same name.

Trump was not struck by a bullet; shards of glass from a damaged teleprompter is wht cut his ear.

Trump went golfing the next day; he has not contacted the family of the retired fire captain who died.  President Biden did call to offer his sympathy and the wife refused to take the phone call.  She has not heard from Trump.

This shooting is a screw up by the Secret Service; they are blaming local law enforcement for failing to secure the building the shooter used to strike and there are reports local police did tell the Secret Service.

Merchandise with Trump’s bloody face and raise first was being sold less than 24 hours after the incident; it’s all about the merch.

The Sunday Print Edition of the New York Times didn’t have a single story about the shooting in West Coast editions; the Times competes with other papers for press runs and apparently did not yell “stop the presses” in time.  This is the second time the NY Times has failed print readers having missed the 34 guilty counts on felony charges against Trump last month.  The saving grace of the Sunday Times was the in-depth opinion section which declared Trump is unfit to be president.

The selection of JD Vance, only 18 months of experience as a US Senator, has much to do with his ties to Silicon Valley billionaires as it does to the fact he’s shorter than Trump. “Hold me close Tiny Vancer.”

Ronald Reagan is spinning in his grave.  His party is all in for a thrice-divorced adjudicated rapist, convicted business fraudster who cannot legal own and operate a hotdog stand in Times Square facing fines of up to a half billion dollars, and 34 time convicted felon (paying off a porn star from a personal account is in no way shape or form a federal presidential official act.

The busiest people Thursday night will be fact checkers listening to Trump’s acceptance speech; I’ll go with 45 outright lies.



  1. “The saving grace of the Sunday Times was the in-depth opinion section which declared Trump is unfit to be president.”

    Dan, I often (almost always in parody) tease the D!ck Heads next door for their sophomoric antics, ill-informed positions and especially in the case of Vern, their disgusting sexual harassment and Greg’s defense of such. Yet they allowed me to repeatedly post there despite claiming NOT to know me.

    With that being said, I am a dedicated Democrat. I found the NYT article to be a well positioned piece, that any reasonable American could relate to.


    Keep up the GOOD WORK HERE. It’s a good thing you have a thriving business, a family, a house and a career, otherwise you might end up like the clown car down the street (not suggesting that they live in their cars over there).

  2. Don’t you have some ABSENTEE wife beating Father to represent in family court Eric?

    PS- I don’t mean Victor! LOL

    • Victor still owes lots of back child support but it did not stop him from getting a pricy new tattoo. Their are people who are fathers and those who are sperm donors. I hope he realizes he needs to meet his responsibilities, but he won’t. Which is a reason why Democrats can surrender HB; people like him. Be a man. Be a father. He’s a fraud and I don’t care if he’s on Central Committee.

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