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Obama Weekly Address: GOP Leadership Standing up for Outsourcing and Special Interests

September 25, 2010 3

When the GOP asked the American people, through a website, for ideas, one that drew great deal of interest is ending tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. But when the administration closed one of the most egregious loopholes for companies creating jobs overseas, Republicans were almost unanimously opposed. Rather than offering a path to a better future, their plan is an echo of a disastrous decade the country cannot afford to relive.

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OC GOP’s Grose Endorsement is Disgusting

September 22, 2010 0

It isn’t often that we agree with Register Columnist Frank Mickadeit on this blog. But in this case we find ourselves in that position. On Tuesday Mickadeit’s column titled ‘Watermelon man’ gets GOP nod caught our eye.

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Pelosi: Lowest taxes since 1950 because of Democrats changes in tax policy

May 11, 2010 2

“Despite all their rhetoric, when the time came to support lower taxes for 98 percent of Americans, Republicans in Congress voted ‘no.’ Not a single Republican voted for tax relief, even in the midst of the greatest recession since Herbert Hoover that they created through the policies of the Bush Administration. By siding with Wall Street, Big Banks, and special interests, Congressional Republicans threaten to reverse this progress and return us to an era of devastating job losses, fiscal irresponsibility, and financial chaos.

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While Hedrick was talking policy, Calvert wasted no time resorting to desperation

May 6, 2010 2

Instead of engaging in a real dialogue about the fundamental differences we have when it comes to energy policy and offshore drilling – me adamantly opposed to drilling California’s coast and Calvert adamantly for – he wasted no time resorting the same dirty political tricks that desperate candidates use when they can’t run from their record.

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Senate Republicans Block Debate on Financial Reform Bill

April 26, 2010 2

Democrats failed to get the cloture vote, on Monday, which is necessary to proceed debate on a financial reform bill putting tougher restrictions on Wall Street. Based on the things they are opposing, it’s an easy sell to voters that Republicans are taking their orders from Wall Street.

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Adams Recall Fails – They thought Tea-Partiers were registered

November 23, 2009 0

Once again, the tea-partiers fail to get their way. The Orange County launched recall attempt against Republican Anthony Adams failed to meet the required number of signatures to move forward the Secretary of State’s office announced on Friday. Adams 59th Assembly District covers parts of Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties.