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Campaign Fire Drill in Santa Ana

October 18, 2010 7

My phone rang several times over the weekend when residents of Santa Ana called to report that fire trucks were driving around the city with signs promoting the campaigns of Mayor Miguel Pulido, Councilman Sal Tinajero, and Assemblyman Jose Solorio. The callers were upset that while the fire truck has no decals to identify the fire agency and appears to be decommissioned and no longer in service; the intent is clear to those neighbors just getting a quick look that on duty Santa Ana firefighters and a working fire unit is driving their neighborhoods in support of three local candidates for public office.

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Tinajero Hit Site Goes Live

October 11, 2010 2

Ward 6 Santa Ana Councilman Sal Tinajero is the target of a new website that criticizes him for what critics call his support of a […]

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Santa Ana’s Councilman Tinajero breaks another law

October 7, 2010 3

One of the simplest things for a candidate or elected official to do is to file their campaign finance reports on time. The first pre-election statements were due to the Santa Ana City Clerk by 5 pm on Tuesday. As of 5 pm Wednesday, Tinajero had not filed his required report and according to the City Clerk, Tinajero had told her it would be filed some time today.

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Santa Ana’s Joe Fletcher and the Gang That Can’t Get Their Conflicts Straight

October 5, 2010 11

The City attorney (Joseph Fletcher) spread the Selective Conflict Disorder virus when he infected the city council by advising that it was okay to vote on projects benefiting developers who have given them money because, get this, the Supreme Court has ruled that campaign contributions are free speech. He also infected the council with the understanding that the only people and businesses directly effected by votes moving a development project forward such as the actual developer or applicant applies to the law.

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On the Santa Ana Council Agenda Tonight

October 4, 2010 7

For those who have been watching the ‘pay to play’ antics of the Santa Ana City Council may wish to show up at their meeting tonight at City Hall. Two items in particular have caught my eye. First is the rescission and re-vote on the reduction and suspension of fees charged to for-profit adult soccer leagues by the city. back in September the council reduced then suspended these fees, costing the city $127,488 in fees, targeted for use in developing additional artificial turf fields, over the next couple years.

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Iglesias and Tinajero endorse Art Pedroza for SAUSD Trustee

October 1, 2010 29

It seems that Congressional candidate Cecilia Iglesias, and Santa Ana City Councilman Sal Tinajero have a few things in common. Both of them have endorsed Art Pedroza for Santa Ana Unified School District Trustee and both of them are parents of 7 to 8 year-old male children. Art Pedroza thinks that men having sex with young boys is funny. He finds the topic so humorous that he linked unsuspecting visitors to his Orange Juice Blog to the main page of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).