Iglesias and Tinajero endorse Art Pedroza for SAUSD Trustee

As parents of young boys, they must know who they’re endorsing, right?

Cecilia Iglesias

Dan Chmielewski touched a nerve for some of Cecilia Iglesias’ supporters on Saturday with his post “CeciIglesias: a surprise ending to her YouTube video.”  One of her supporters wrote “Leave Cecilia alone!! you have nothing on her….. Why don’t leave Cecilia alone..” Well this should probably send Ester off the deep end.”

It seems that Congressional candidate Cecilia Iglesias, and Santa Ana City Councilman Sal Tinajero have a few things in common. Both of them have endorsed Art Pedroza for Santa Ana Unified School District Trustee and both of them are  parents of 7 to 8 year-old male children. Art Pedroza thinks that men having sex with young boys is funny. He finds the topic so humorous that he linked unsuspecting visitors to his Orange Juice Blog to the main page of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). 

From Art Pedroza’s list of endorsements: 

  • Sal Tinajero, Santa Ana Councilman (past SAUSD Board Member and currently a public school teacher in Fullerton)
  • Cecilia Iglesias, Independent Candidate for Congress, 47th District, parent of SAUSD student

You have to question the “good parent” credentials, not to mention sound judgment, of any parent who endorses an individual who knowingly promoted the objectionable and disgusting activities of sexual activity between men and boys. 

Sal Tinajero

In politics you are who you endorse. Art Pedroza has said as much on his Orange Juice blog; most recently calling Councilman David Benavides a “hater” because he recognized the members of a committee that sponsored a Fourth of July celebration because one of the members of the committee, Lupe Moreno, is a harsh and bigoted anti-illegal immigration critic.

So here is what NAMBLA represents, as described on the website Art Pedroza has promoted. 

“To explain man/boy love today, one must first explain what it is not: It is not what you view on television or read in newspapers. It’s not what you hear on Oprah or Geraldo, nor is it the propaganda put out by police and politicians.”

“It’s the love of a man for a boy, and of a boy for a man. Enjoyable, consensual, beautiful.” 

Using the standards of the person they have endorsed to run the schools they send their children to, Iglesias and Tinajero must also believe that promoting sex between adult men and young boys is funny. That is simply sick. I wonder if they would think the same if their young boys fell victim to such predators. If it wasn’t for the fact that Ceci Iglesias’ sister works as a manager for the Social Services Agency, I would suggest someone call and question the welfare of their children.

Our understanding is that Tinajero is openly advocating for elected officials he is closely associated with to endorse Pedroza as well.  His colleague, Councilwoman Michele Martinez, who has no children, has also endorsed Pedroza for SAUSD trustee.  Is it because of Tinajero’s influence that Pedroza is picking up some of his endorsements, or is it a fear of the negative postings that will surely occur for those who cross Pedroza who has said before “you’re with me or against me.” We saw all too well how the Pedroza endorsement magic worked for AD-70 GOP frontrunner Steven Choi who lost to Don Wagner after using Pedroza to issue a campaign piece.


  1. Chris — you forgot to mention Art’s threre credit card fraud lawsuit and the foreclosure of his home, which may be delayed due to a major error by Bank fo America in its foreclosure process. I read Art’s candidates statement on the Register’s site today and “fiscal responsibility” is laughably one of the themes.

  2. You failed to mention that Sharon Quirk-Silva has also endorsed Mr. Pedroza. Was that an oversite on your behalf?

  3. once again you guys take what is a very interesting story and you have to cheapen it with this nambla crap. what a petty bunch of hacks you guys are. funny thing is that neither “nambla cheminowski” and you prevatt are no better than pedroza. and pedroza, what an embarrassment you have become. not that you werent before but you should have just bowed to the tiny dark lord years ago you woulve been so much better off.

  4. Tinajero knows what he is doing – he knows exactly what Pedroza is like.

    I don’t think that Ceci Iglesias knows Art that well.

    I was involved in Art Pedroza’s 2008 campaign for SA city council. Some, including Art called me his campaign manager.

    Since then I have learned what he is really like. I deeply regret supporting Art Pedroza and I hope that Ms. Iglesias will reconsider her support of a person who will not be good for the SAUSD.

  5. The real question is, when is this place going to even mention that Chris Norby is being investigated by the DA for roughing up his latest wife? Did I miss it? The story is like a week old now and still not a peep about it here that I can find. Aren’t you the voice of the opposition? Same goes for the Art’s OC Juice. WTF does Norby and his band of cigar smoking USC fans have on all you guys?

  6. The association between the candidates and Pedroza is simple.
    The OC juice is a cheerleaders team for Tnajero, Martinez, the rest of the council except Benavides and Iglesisa.

    It is a you scratch my back I scratch yours. They feel safe to pay back the OJ Blog knowing that Pedroza has no chance in beating out Palacios nor Noji. They get some questionable benefit from the OJ Blog without providing harm as Pedroza is not electable.

    The powers to be, those that tell the council what to do will continue support for Palacios and Noji. Tinajero nor Martinez have no real power in this matter. Iglesias support(one for the other) is irrelevant as she is not a player in the race.


    “I read Art’s candidates statement on the Register’s site today and “fiscal responsibility” is laughably one of the themes.”

    This too funny.Further comedy is that as you know Mill and Pedroza have started a “Santa Ana business association” to consult Santa Ana businesses on how to be profitable.

    The problem is that neither of them run a sccessful buiseness. Pedroza is having his home repossed becuase of hisbusiness not providing and Mill still lives at home an indication of economic hardship.

    • “Dr. Noji” will lose if a media outlet or a blog (hint) would do some research on her attempt to pad her two pensions with this election. Noji is the beneficiary of two pensions…one from PERS and the other from STRS. Re-electing her will pad both her pensions, but no one seems to want to pick up on this.

  7. Chris,

    I looked you up and I know who you are and what you look like. I hope you are not generating this blogs during county time, because as an OCEA Steward and as a Program Supervisor I (Health Care Agency), you will be in big trouble! As a steward, you are to also be setting an example for the employees you represent. Also, I noticed that you work for the Health Care Agency, is that correct? As a tax payer, I hope my tax dollars are not being misrepresenting because your pay is also 100% State, Federal and County founded!

    He who is free of sin, throw the first rock! Do pray that your work does not come back to haunt you!!!!!!!!!

    • Yep, you got me. All of this information about me is readily available to anyone who wants to know. Unlike your comment, I stand by what I write with my name.

      As far as your belief that I am doing my writing on county time, have at it. I don’t, so there is nothing for me to worry about. But have at it if you want.

  8. The real joke is that none of you live in or have children in the SAUSD. Those of us that do could care less what a Long Beach, Irvine and Orange Park Acres resident have to say about OUR elections.

  9. @SantaAna voter. That is where you’re wrong. I have done lots of legislative action work fot Irvine schools and our lobbying efforts benefit other districts in Orange County. And I would also argue that if you are going to tell us we can only comment on elections in our cities of residence then what business does Pedroza or Mill have commenting on elections in Irvine, Costa Mesa or anywhere else in Orange County. The joke is you have to separate Art the blogger from Art the candidate. He has previously stated a bankruptcy disqualifies candidates from office (Trung Nguyen) , so Art’s own financial status which is current should disqualify him from office. One of the reasons our lawsuit settlement talks break down is Art demands we delete posts referencing his redirects of web domains he bought to Nambla (comments too) and that we delete references to his credit card fraud lawsuits and pending foreclosure. Do voters really want to send someone like him to office? The only benefit would be to give us a paycheck to garnish.

  10. Santa Ana Voter on October 2, 2010 at 6:10 am
    The real joke is that none of you live in or have children in the SAUSD. Those of us that do could care less what a Long Beach, Irvine and Orange Park Acres resident have to say about OUR elections.

    You should then have a problem with these facts and do something about them:

    -90% of donations to Pulido come from outside Santa Ana,,,.mostly developers. No wonder why the only development in Santa Ana is high density housing.

    – The city manager and senior staff all live outside Santa Ana. The ones you criticise comment on issues these individuals make the decision that affect the Residents of Santa Ana. Yet you have no comment on them about where they.

    – The Police and Fire Political Action Committee members that fund Pulido’s mailers and other campaign expenses largely live outside Santa Ana.

    These people have assisted Pulido in producing a third world type government and city.They are not concerned as they do not live or are stakeholders in Santa Ana.

    Individuals like I that have a business and own commercial property in the city are concerned and therefore active in the development of the city we have invested in.

    You are naive or with an agenda to argue what you argue. Do you believe Disneyland, the Los Angeles Angeles or the Honda Center in Anaheim have something to say about the politics of Anaheim? THE OWNERS OF THOSE BUSINESSES DO NOT LIVE IN ANAHEIM.

  11. Pedroza has kids in the system and lives in the district.

    As an outsider he may be able to bring change to the trustee position. Those elected officials that are to keep tabs on the district management.

    The two incumbents have a history of letting district management run wilding on spending with no regards to controlling costs or the quality of the education product produced.

    The Santa Ana school district is a “Success in Failure“. As the district continues to fail in teaching the children, the state keeps giving them bonus dollars that then go and enrich the salaries and perks of the management and teaching staff.

    Mr. Pedroza, as an elected hammer, as a big 5 pound sledge hammer. May be able to strike a blow against the status quo, and break up the ruling click that has controlled the SAUSD for more than a decade.

    Or, Art could take the money and roll over with the rest of them, and we would be no worst off than we are today.

    Since there are 2 spots with 4 candidates. There is a choice.

    A choice of the incumbents for a continuation of “Success in Failure” or

    The challengers, “Religious Faith” with a “Sledge Hammer” for change.

    • I don’t think that Ceci Iglesias knows Art very well.

      I was involved in Art Pedroza’s 2008 campaign for SA city council. Some, including Art, called me his campaign manager.

      Since then I have learned what he is really like. I deeply regret supporting Art Pedroza and I hope that Ms. Iglesias will reconsider her support for a person who will not be good for the SAUSD.

  12. Unfortunately it seems that Art is only interested in the School Board position as a way of “legitimizing” himself in the Santa Ana political pond. His voter statement has no new ideas, nor even shows a parent’s passion for change.
    I noticed that last week instead of attending Back to School night he was doing his radio show, parent participation is a BIG issue for Santa Ana schools, that’s not setting a good example for someone who wants to represent the SAUSD district because he’s a “parent”.
    I wonder how many school site council’s he has sat on or if he has volunteered at his children’s schools. I know for a fact that in Santa Ana it doesn’t take that much to be named Parent of the Year, has he ever earned that distinction? (for the record, I’ve been Parent of the Year, 3 times)
    I think the district needs an INVOLVED PARENT, someone with IDEAS and ENERGY, Art’s “lets cut from the top” platform is nothing new.

  13. anonymous on October 2, 2010 at 1:32 pm said:

    “His voter statement has no new ideas, nor even shows a parent’s passion for change.”

    In fact, see below, Pedroza does not answer the questions nor does he understand the real nature of the underlying cause of the low student performance in the SAUSD.

    From the OC Register voter guide, Art Pedroza’s responses to questions:

    Where does the candidate stand?

    Q: Schools have slashed millions from their budgets, trimmed back instruction days, increased class sizes and dropped programs. What steps will you take to minimize the impacts of those cuts?

    A:California spends more on prisons than on education. We need to encourage our legislators to adopt reforms to reverse that trend. Locally we need to review our administration budget and cut from the top. We appear to have too many overpaid administrators at the district office. That budget needs to be reallocated to teaching our children.And we should explore more ways to expand the education experience online. Our district website is woefully inadequate.

    Q: A recent movement has urged linking teacher raises to student success. Do you agree with the idea? How would make it work?
    This can penalize teachers who choose to work in districts that have a lot of ESL learners and serve working families.

    A: Rather than blame the teachers, who are doing the best they can for the most part, we need to look at the SAUSD Superintendent, who had zero experience when she was hired. She is also the highest paid superintendent in Orange County. We need a superintendent with experience in turning around troubled school districts.

    Q:Test scores for poor students lag behind those of their wealthier classmates. What steps would you take to eliminate the achievement gap in your district?

    A: The SAUSD appears to be uninterested in serving ESL learners and poor students. Only after I complained did the SAUSD recently add translation to their website — and the ESL links on the website remain broken.We need to reassess how we teach ESL students and look at what other, more successful school districts, are doing to serve this community.And we need to empower parents so they can help their children as well.


    Notes and links
    Santa Ana Unified School District is the county’s largest with 55,500 students and more than 55 campuses. School board members oversee spending of the district’s $483 million annual budget.

    • Mr. Lomeli —

      All of Art’s answers that you’ve selected are viable talking points.

      *The Prison Industrial Complex is inextricably linked to schools and their funding (and in more ways than that!)

      *He’s right about the follies of so-called merit pay

      *His attention to ESL learners is a key part of the equation in terms of improving education in the city.

      I can’t find fault in any of those areas…

  14. anonymous on October 2, 2010 at 1:32 pm said:

    “I think the district needs an INVOLVED PARENT, someone with IDEAS and ENERGY, Art’s “lets cut from the top” platform is nothing new.”

    Telling simplistic cookie cutter answer. as to having no knowledge and experience on successfully managing a budget or people.

    Real life history with Art is that he is good at loosing friends and making many enemies… not good in running a school system.

    He has his home in foreclosure, a failing business and deep in credit card debt, has pending lawsuits from credit cards for non payments…not good in running a school system.

    Understanding these personal management issues it is dangerous to give hand him over the Santa Ana Unified School District which is the county’s largest with 55,500 students and more than 55 campuses. School board members oversee spending of the district’s $483 million annual budget.

  15. Instead of the constant bashing of Art Pedroza by your blog and vice-versa, why don’t you keep your legal issues between your attorneys and report what is important to your readers. Instead of attacking Art Pedroza’s candidacy in the SAUSD race, why doesn’t someone report on Audrey Noji and her double-dipping pension as she asks the voters one more time to pad her two pensions?

  16. You sound like Art anon….but of the four candidates running, Noji is in the top two. We are not attacking Art the blogger but Art the school board candidate. The issue of Noji’s pensions is tiny compared with Pedroza’s record of personal and professional failure. If you want a candidate who has three credit card fraud suits filed against him this year and a home in foreclosure making financial decisions for a district with a huge budget, go ahead and vote for him. His vote will totally be for sale

  17. Seens that the best of the best, in the school districts, cities, counties and state, even the USA, have done one fine job at flushing us all down the toilet.

    Maybe the only way to fix the damage done is the elect the worst of the worst?

  18. That is the lamest excuse I have ever heard. Ask Orange Unified how well they functioned with Steve Rocco on board

  19. Pedroza has a keen focus on English learners and supports culturally responsive education. Those are two prime areas of improvement necessary for a Raza heavy school district…

    Let me know when you start a discussion on educational issues, reforms, and policies..

  20. Anonymous on October 3, 2010 at 3:07 pm
    Instead of the constant bashing of Art Pedroza by your blog and vice-versa, why don’t you keep your legal issues between your attorneys and report what is important to your readers. Instead of attacking Art Pedroza’s candidacy in the SAUSD race, why doesn’t someone report on Audrey Noji and her double-dipping pension as she asks the voters one more time to pad her two pensions?

    You are suggesting to do to Noji what you argue should not be done to Pedroza….bashing. YOU COME ACROSS AS A HYPOCRITICAL PEDROZA SUPPORTER.

    The point is that we live in a democracy. We can support and criticize those seeking public service freely. If you want to criticize Noji knock yourself out. But please do not lecture the others when exercising their freedom of speech.

  21. cook on October 3, 2010 at 5:36 pm
    Seens that the best of the best, in the school districts, cities, counties and state, even the USA, have done one fine job at flushing us all down the toilet.

    Maybe the only way to fix the damage done is the elect the worst of the worst?

    Previously on this thread you suggest people vote for Pedroza. According to your logic above then you suggest Pedroza is the worst of the worst.

    You might be right about Pedroza but your logic on supporting candidates is lacking.

    • yep Doc, I was making a bad example.

      I am going to keep an eye on the pancake breakfast next saturday to see which canidate for the school board and council really take the time to meet with the local citizens in real life.

      The pancake breakfast is a major fund rasier for the local high schools but on by the chevy place on 17th st at the 5 freeway

  22. gabriel san roman on October 4, 2010 at 9:21 am
    Pedroza has a keen focus on English learners and supports culturally responsive education. Those are two prime areas of improvement necessary for a Raza heavy school district…

    Let me know when you start a discussion on educational issues, reforms, and policies..

    Please indicate where in the OC Register Voter Guide or anywhere else Pedroza indicates his “keen” focus on English learners and supports culturally responsive education and how this these two points are the underlining reasons for the SAUSD”s dismal proficiency in producing prepared students.

    The operative word here is “KEEN”.

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