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Iglesias and Tinajero endorse Art Pedroza for SAUSD Trustee

October 1, 2010 29

It seems that Congressional candidate Cecilia Iglesias, and Santa Ana City Councilman Sal Tinajero have a few things in common. Both of them have endorsed Art Pedroza for Santa Ana Unified School District Trustee and both of them are parents of 7 to 8 year-old male children. Art Pedroza thinks that men having sex with young boys is funny. He finds the topic so humorous that he linked unsuspecting visitors to his Orange Juice Blog to the main page of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

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What Blog War?

June 30, 2010 12

  Art Pedroza has declared an end to the Orange County blogs wars and made himself a martyr to the cause.  While it’s all great […]

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Thirty-six percent of OC Ballots remaining to be counted

June 9, 2010 1

More than 182,000 ballots remain to be counted from yesterday’s primary election in Orange County. According to the OC Registrar of Voters website there are 166,451 vote-by-mail ballots, 11,196 provisional ballots, and 4,414 election day paper ballots remaing.

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The AD-70 Race’s Biggest Winner: Melissa Fox

June 9, 2010 13

While watching the returns for the Republican primary in the AD-70 race, it should be obvious that the biggest winner of the primary election for this seat last night was Melissa Fox. She came in with more than 10,600 votes surpassing even Republican primary winner Don Wagner by a few hundred votes. We’re hoping Wagner shows the willingness to debate Fox for this seat and often.

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AD70 Race: Irvine’s Stephen Choi Lets Art Pedroza Carry The Ball

May 31, 2010 10

Irvine Council member Steven Choi, a struggling Republican candidate for the AD-70 race, is using a letter from Orange Juice publisher Art Pedroza to tout Choi’s candidacy. Choi, who’s his own best contributor to his own campaign, must be getting stir crazy in that tiny Woodbridge apartment.