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Iglesias and Tinajero endorse Art Pedroza for SAUSD Trustee

October 1, 2010 29

It seems that Congressional candidate Cecilia Iglesias, and Santa Ana City Councilman Sal Tinajero have a few things in common. Both of them have endorsed Art Pedroza for Santa Ana Unified School District Trustee and both of them are parents of 7 to 8 year-old male children. Art Pedroza thinks that men having sex with young boys is funny. He finds the topic so humorous that he linked unsuspecting visitors to his Orange Juice Blog to the main page of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

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SAUSD Agrees to Federal and State Reforms

April 20, 2010 0

Well it too long enough, but it looks like the SAUSD board has taken their head out of the sand, for now. According to an OC Register article last week, the SAUSD has agreed to seek money from Obama’s stimulus, which includes grants of up to $2 Million in order to fix the six schools that have been deemed as failing by the state. Of course the money comes with strings attached that mandate the school district do one of the following:

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Santa Ana Residents Speaking Out!

April 5, 2010 2

It looks like 2010 is going to be the year the residents of Santa Ana begin to rise up and speak out and demand accountability from their city leaders. I have long wondered when they would have enough, it turns out having six schools to be declared failures, a non-responsive City Council, a lack of places for their children to play and gang violence have finally driven them over the edge.

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New SAUSD Oriented Facebook Group

March 24, 2010 0

In response to recent OC Register articles regarding the failure of Santa Ana schools, two former SAUSD alumni have started a Facebook page aimed at gathering Facebook members who are either parents or alumni of SAUSD in order to organize and galvanize them to help bring change. The group is called Santa Ana “Education First” which was once the original motto of the City of Santa Ana.

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Dissecting the SAUSD

March 12, 2010 10

Once again, the SAUSD seeks to sugar coat the problem, claiming they have begun to implement some of the changes demanded by state and federal mandates. Here are some of the options they have in order to get some stimulus money to fix these schools: replace the principal, rehire no more than 50 percent of the staff and change the instructional program; close and reopen as a charter school; close and reassign students to other higher-achieving schools in the district; or replace the principal, increase instructional time and make other changes. So what kind of drastic changes will they make.

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Who Can Save the Banana Republic?

January 21, 2010 10

What are everyone’s thoughts? As Gustavo asks, Who can save the Banana Republic? Who can bring change we Santa Ana residents can all believe in?