NAMBLA Promoter to Run for SAUSD Board

According to the Registrar of Voters, Art Pedroza, who is best know for promoting pedophilia and gay porn on websites he owned has pulled papers to run for the Santa Ana Unified School District Board of Trustees. It should be noted the position deals with 50 schools filled with children between the ages of 5-17 years of age. More on this as it develops.

I wonder if the SAUSD voters are ready for a school board member who promoted pedophilia and gay porn on websites he owned?


  1. Chris has it spot on
    The guy is just nuts. He is such a wannabe he will do or say any thing. His extreme positions and la raza angeda on all topics all the time have been condoned and bolstered by memberes of the current council.
    Pulido knew long ago that the unholy alliance of Pedroza and Mill would not end well. Sadly, he let Pedroza and Mill work up a head of steam by not ending this circus. Why?……because Pulido needed to horsetrade with Fat Sal. Sal is such an idiot that he bought all the Pedroza Mill BS hook line and sinker.

    Think about it, without this ignorant, embarassing, lazy, council that allows and encourages these antics from Pedroza and Mill they would again be just annoying nasty hate mongers, hiding behind there keyboards

  2. Well he’s got balls…the size of nuts.

    Mr Pedroza fancies himself a “champion of the people”. But to be that, you have to be a champion of ALL the people. If Mr. Pedroza has shown nothing else, he’s shown that he’s utterly incapable of working with those who have opposing views. In those cases, all he can do is run to his blog and bully, belittle and berate. Bye bye!

  3. Art Pedroza’s home is currently in foreclosure and scheduled for public auction. Art Pedroza was sued by not one but two credit card companies for fraud. Art Pedroza has no current verifiable gainful employment. Art Pedroza has promoted NAMBLA which advocates for sex between adult men and children.

  4. Pedroza seems to think that the political landscape in Santa Ana has undergone a dramatic shift in the past few months, to his advantage. What he fails to acknowledge is that it’s an election year, and politicos shift their alliances, often temporarily, for political expediency. I predict that most, if not all of the Council AND the Mayor will be distancing themselves from Pedroza so fast it will make your head spin.

  5. On Naval Gazing, Gustavo wrote: “and this was before Pedroza jokingly, stupidly linked the NAMBLA website to a URL associated with a Liberal OC writer.”

    Jokingly? Seriously? Gustavo hasn’t seen all the emails Art sent under the title “Venganza” ..there was nothing jokingly about it. Art deliberately linked to NAMBLA and Gay Porn and pretty much told us to stick it

  6. I can’t seem to find a website for Art Pedroza for School Board. What are some of his ideas? Who is on his list of supporters and endorsers? Does former SAUSD trustee and current Santa Ana Councilman Sal Tinajero endorse Art Pedroza? Does Santa Ana Councilwoman Michele Martinez endorse Art Pedroza? Have they given him money? Does Sean Mill endorse Art Pedroza? Did Sean Mill give Art Pedroza money?

    • Sean Mill didn’t even sign the onlie petition to ask us to drop the lawsuit against Art Pedroza. I don’t think Art is sincere at all about running for office. I think he wants to either be in a position to sell his vote to the highest bidder or wants me to do something with “his” URL to give him something in the pending lawsuit. Art’s due in federal court in August…hope he brings his checkbook

      • Well, if he thinks that anyone in their right mind would covet his vote, or endorsement, or whatever, it shows what a tenuous grip on political reality he really has. I mean, doesn’t he realize he’s radioactive?

    • If it meant defeating you I would do it in a heartbeat. Fortunately I live in the Tustin Unified School District and unlike you and Sean, I have a respect for the law and running for SAUSD would be breaking the law.

  7. This explains Pedroza’s recent change in opinion in regards to the 20 year mismanagement of Santa Ana.

    Money and support from the Pulido machine allegedly is the prize of scratch my back and I will scratch your back.

    Interesting to follow where the endorsements and money come from for his campaign.

  8. Lupe Moreno for Senate 2006 endorsements of note include:

    Jim Gilchrist, Minuteman Founder

    Barbara Coe, President, California Coalition for Immigration Reform (CCIR)

    Art Pedroza, former Hispanic Outreach Director for the Republican Party of Orange County (1996-98)

    I’ll bet the Latino voters in Santa Ana are going to love reading about this.

  9. This is Great!!!!! Hilarious. more Pedroza contradictions:

    Miguel Pulido, the Republican choice for Mayor of Santa Ana
    By Admin– December 2, 2009
    Posted in: Fresh Juice, OC GOP, Republican Party, Santa Ana, miguel pulido

    “By Admin– December 2, 2009”. This is Art Pedroza

    Miguel Pulido poses with Republican SAUSD School Board Member Rob Richardson

    There are no Republicans running for Mayor of Santa Ana, but given how few Republicans are left in Orange County’s downtown, why bother?

    Besides, the Republicans have Mayor Miguel Pulido on their side. They always have. He supported Prop. 187, even though he is himself a Mexican immigrant. And last year he supported several Republicans for local office, including Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante and Santa Ana Unified School District Board of Education Member Rob Richardson.

    Pulido has supported quite a few other Republicans over the years, including SAUSD Board of Education Member Rosie Avila and disgraced ex-Sheriff Mike Carona.

    Will Red County Republican blogger Thomas Gordon aim his ire at Amezcua?

    Now the Republicans are returning the favor. Red County editor Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham has already gone after Pulido’s Democratic competitor, Alfredo Amezcua. Rumor has it that Jerbal’s fellow Red County blogger Thomas Gordon will also be taking aim at Amezcua this year.

    Gordon is allied with the fading Usual Suspects, the racist neighborhood busybodies who support Pulido year in and year out. You can bet that the Usual Suspects will be backing Pulido again in the next election.

    This strategy is shaky given that when the Democrats find out that the Republicans in town are hackiing for Pulido they just might think twice before supporting the incumbent.

    Amezcua has already hired a successful progressive campaign consultant – Parke Skelton. Pulido’s consultant, Dennis De Snoo, gave a huge donation to Republican Senator John McCain in 2007, according to the Huffington Post.

    Amezcua has also been the main force behind a group of residents who are advocating for affordable housing. Pulido and the Usual Suspects don’t support affordable housing.

    I saw Amezcua at this year’s Labor Day event at the Santa Ana Zoo. Pulido? Missing in action.

    In every way that matters, Amezcua is the candidate who best deserves support from his fellow Democrats. Pulido? The guy might as well be a Republican.

  10. Does Sean H Mill get paid to blog from work all day?
    Sean H. Mill says: Blah Blah Blah
    Posted On: Thursday, Jul. 29 2010 @ 8:19A

    Sean H. Mill says: Blah Blah Blah
    Posted On: Thursday, Jul. 29 2010 @ 9:32AM
    Sean H. Mill says: Blah Blah Blah
    Posted On: Thursday, Jul. 29 2010 @ 9:36AM

    Sean H. Mill says: Blah Blah Blah
    Posted On: Thursday, Jul. 29 2010 @ 12:39PM

    Sean H. Mill says: Blah Blah Blah
    Posted On: Thursday, Jul. 29 2010 @ 2:07PM

    Sean H. Mill says: Blah Blah Blah
    Posted On: Thursday, Jul. 29 2010 @ 4:40PM
    Looks like Sean H Mill steals from Advantage Title in Irvine by blogging all day when he should be working.

  11. Sean accusing people of stalking is like Art Pedroza accusing people of not paying their bills.

    • Perhaps Art can explain why he is no longer listed on the faculty web page for Cerritos College. Perhaps he no longer teachers there. Looks like a ballot title challenge if I ever saw one.

  12. Put a couple of moms on the ballot and don’t bother to run any campaigns for them. People love to put moms on the school board, so save your money. Challenge his ballot title but also make sure you have an IE run a last-minute hit mailer (which shouldn’t be too hard considering), and voila! Pedroza’s hope are dashed for at least another 2 years.

    And whatever you do, don’t mention his blog. You guys have given the infant enough attention. Not to mention that he’s pretty much a train wreck in slow motion in his personal life, regardless of his scandal sheet, so don’t give him any more free promotion. Good luck.

  13. Sal Tinajero and I were talking tonight at his house while he hosted the Bradley family reunion and he decided to possibly support Art Pedroza for school board. He decided Pedroza and he share many of the same qualities and perversions.

  14. I hear that Art Pedroza lurks around Hoover school and sometimes is spotted late at night in Santiago Park.It appears this guy has deep seated issues and I’ve also heard that he doesn’t pay his bills and his home is in forclosure. True?

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