I have since this summer. The site was last used to promote Art’s failed candidacy for Santa Ana City Council where he barely fended off convicted catsup thief Steve Rocco for second place.
In posts over at the OJ blog, Art has been making fun of Tom Daly, a candidate for 4th District Board of Supervisors, for not locking up domain names related to his candidacy. Tony Bushala, Art’s BFF (at least for now) acquired Daly’s URL at Art’s suggestion, which Art revealed to us in a recent email. When Art started commenting about how dumb Daly’s campaign was, I redirected www.artpedroza.com to a post I wrote about Art last April Fool’s day — the same post that used documents Art filed as part of his council candidacy to prove the value of the OJ blog was between $2,000 and $10,000 and how OJ had only raised about $500 in ad revenue for its first five years.
The intention behind buying his name was simple. Art makes stuff up out of whole cloth and many times, doesn’t tell the truth to this own readers. I thought buying his name and having him discover it would mean he’d lay off of us or at least tell the truth. A sort of insurance policy, if you will.
Last Thursday, Art found out I own his name. And he went ballistic. Then he went on a buying spree at GoDaddy.com.
In this post on OJ, Art doesn’t even have the intellectual honesty to tell his readers the truth about the identity of a “jilted client” and who acquired domain names he crows about.
From his post:
“Trabuco also pals around with members of both political parties. In fact he sold one of his clients’ URLs to Dan Chmielewski, the editor of the failing Liberal OC blog. The move backfired though when Trabuco’s jilted client ended up buying ryangenetrabuco.com, liberalocblog.com, theliberalocblog.com, and madisonalexandrpublicrelations.com. Chmielewski owns Madison Alexander Public Relations, but he no longer owns the URL by that name! The same jilted client also bought supervisorjanetnguyen.com, councilmanandrewdo.com, leessandwichesstanton.com, claudiogallegos.com, and chrisleahprevatt.com.”
What Art fails to tell his readers is that he is the jilted client and that he acquired the domain names in question. There’s an argument to be made that Art was never Ryan’s client and Ryan was only a volunteer for Art’s failed Council campaign; clients pay their consultants and Art never paid Ryan anything. Now, you’ll have to scroll down the GoDaddy WhoIs links here, but see for yourself who exactly owns the domain names Art references in this post. For the owner of www.ryangenetrabuco.com, click here. For the owner of www.theliberalocblog.com, click here. For the owner of www.liberalocblog.com, click here. For the owner of www.madisonalexanderpublicrelations.com, click here. For the owner of www.claudiogallegos.com, click here. For the owner of www.chrisleahprevatt.com, click here. For the owner of www.leessandwichesstanton.com, click here. In an email to me, Art has also admitted to buying several domain names related to “Supervisor Janet Nguyen.” Art also seems to be buying up web properties of his perceived political enemies. The owner of www.mayormiguelpullido.com is hidden (for an extra cost) but the site is redirected to OJ for those who need a “Captain Obvious” check on who owns it.
In an email sent to me last Thursday, entitled “Venganza,” Art demanded I “cede” his URL to him and then buy the domain name associated with my business. He wants $1,000 for it on GoDaddy. He also wants $1,000 each for the domains associated with Ryan Trabuco, Chris Prevatt and Claudio Gallegos. And he wants $2,000 each for the domains associated with The Liberal OC.
Here’s what he wrote in that Thursday email I have bolded some items for emphasis:
Space Commander Pedroza
“I will be sure to tell Ryan’s future clients about how he handles their privacy and their urls. And I bought www.ryangenetrabuco.com. Pointed it to a post by Sean that mentions how Ryan is the Jannie webmaster. May point it to something juicier later.
I also purchased www.liberalocblog.com and it is now pointed to my blog. And I also bought www.theliberalocblog.com. It is amazing that you did not buy them. I could see folks typing either of those, in an attempt to find you. Well, they certainly won’t find your sad little blog now.
I also bought www.claudiogallegos.com and that too is pointing to my blog. I don’t know how much you paid to acquire Claudio but I own his ass now. I also now own www.chrisleahprevatt.com. Both are pointed to their respective OJ tags.
And I bought www.madisonalexanderpublicrelations.com. It is now pointed to our Dan C. tag.
And I bought www.supervisorjanetnguyen.com – and about a half dozen other permutations of that site. All of those are now pointing to our “Jannies†tag, which includes Paul Lucas’ posts about the Jannies.
And why stop there? I also bought www.leessandwichesstanton.com. That is pointing to our stories about their health violations. And I bought www.councilmanandrewdo.com. That is pointing to the story about his carpet-bagging.
Needless to say, Janet and Andrew are going to pay dearly for Ryan’s transgression, as are all of you.”
And there’s this from an email he sent us on Friday night, Novemeber 13th:
“Apparently Tom wasn’t the only dumb one. Or did you forget that I bought a URL with YOUR business name? And two URLs that reference your blog? And URLs with both Prevatt’s and Gallegos’ names?
Unlike Daly, in my case I was betrayed by my web guy. And Ryan is probably going to get fired. Lord knows he won’t be doing any web work for any candidates in town.
As for Daly, it was indeed my idea to buy those URLs. Tony did me the favor of actually buying them.
Fine. Dig in your heels. I am having a lot of fun with my new toys. More fun to come…
I own the URLs in question and have put them up for auction on Go Daddy. If you want to buy them, get in line.”
Art emailed an offer to swap, but in looking at the URLs he bought, no one searches for my business or the individuals by those names with the possible exception of Claudio Gallegos or Supervisor Janet Nguyen.
Sunday night, I came back from coaching a girl’s youth basketball game and decided to check up on www.madisonalexanderpublicrelations.com and discovered Art has redirected it to NAMBLA.org, the North American Man Boy Love Association which advocates sex between adult males and adolescent males. Here’s the partial string on a email between Art and I.
I approached you in good faith with an offer to swap url’s and you responded with base threats.
You reap what you sow.
When you are ready to stop wasting my time let me know.
For the record, you had no business buying that url from Ryan and he was way off base in selling it to you. I hope you are all happy with the outcome.
Lastly, you might check to see what liberalocblog.com and theliberalocblog.com are forwarding to.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
From: “Dan Chmielewski”
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 21:01:50 -0800
To: Art PedrozaCc: Chris Prevatt; ‘Ryan Trabuco’, ‘Supervisor Janet Nguyen’
Subject: RE: Venganza
Well Art — thanks for much for the forward of www.madisonalexanderpublicrelations.com to the NAMBLA.org. I am acknowledging you’ve done this and it’s not appreciated. So much for John Seiler’s defense of you. Considering the company is named for my children, I want you to know I think you’re a pathetic hypocrite.
Art has also redirected the two domains associated with the LiberalOC to the NAMBLA site and redirected Ryan Trabuco’s domain that he owns to a gay porn site that features very young men, barely 18. John Seiler posted this defense of Art about a Red County diary that posed the question: Does Art Pedroza have a job?
Seiler wrote the following: The anonymous “Orange Juice Watch†blogger — why can’t he reveal his name? — attacks Art for Art’s private business, instead of his politics (which is fair game). Then Mr. Anonymous Chicken attacks local businessman Tony Bushala. In comments. Art responded: It is ironic that the Red County publisher, Chip Hanlon, came on here this Sunday to rip us and call us a podunk blog. And now his blog has an entire diary devoted to attacking not our politics but rather our personal lives.
I emailed Seiler a few days ago to ask him what he thought of Art going after my business instead of my politics. Previous emails to Seiler pointing out examples of Art going after people for what they do for a living were met with the same reply from Seiler that says, “I’m retired.” There was no reply from Seiler to my lastest email. Mind you, my business is named for my children which should make what Art did with my business name all the more reprehensible to Seiler. Silence is what I have back from John.
Thanks for staying with me this long.
Now while we have more than proven who owns the domain names listed, we have spent the past few days asking friends to click through the links from their home PCs, since some of these sites are not safe for work, simply to verify that they saw what we saw. I’ll ask them to comment on this post to verify that what I wrote today is true because I’m sure Art will either redirect the URLs somewhere else once he knows this post is up (oh, and we have video of the redirects….). And there’s a strong chance, he’ll redirect them somewhere worse. My redirect on www.artpedroza.com will remain to the April Fool’s Day post I wrote about Art. It sends more hits back to us and it’s harmless enough.
Art’s threats weren’t limited to email; I have copies of multiple text messages he sent that carry the “you’ll be sorry” theme. There’s also been a series of phone calls to Janet Nguyen’s office with the attempt to have Ryan Trabcuo fired. I know the entire Santa Ana city council received an email about the matter of Ryan Trabcuo selling a web domain. So much for not going after what people do for a living instead of just their politics.
So this brings me back to my headline; Art and the OJ crew have been high fiving each other about the acquired domains and the redirects to NAMBLA and Gay Porn. So I have to ask, why is Orange County’s self-proclaimed top political blog promoting pederasty on web domains it owns? Why is the OJ blog promoting a Gay Porn site on domain name owned by Art Pedroza?
The NAMBLA site references concepts that seem to match Art’s new found Libertarianism. Why he and the OJ blog would promote a site in multiple web domains after speaking out about the outing of sex abuse victims of the OC clergy seems hypocritical. So if someone should write in comments on any political blog in Orange County that “Art Pedroza promotes gay porn and sex between men and underage boys on web domains he owns” that would be completely accurate. If Art changes his redirects, the third word in that sentence becomes “promoted.”
Reading the comments from the Orange Juice Blog team regarding this situation reveals the level of integrity of that entire group. They have been having a blast laughing about the “jilted client’s” actions, while knowing full well that they are cheering Art on. What they forget is that by the Art Pedroza standard of “guilt by association,” they are all responsible for promoting Pederasty and Gay Porn.
So that’s what is really going on over at the OrangeJuiceBlog? Please be aware that any link you click over there could take you to a website you may not want to be associated with.
I have to wonder what goes on in the Pedroza household when his wife isn’t home? What sort of websites might his children be exposed to? And I wonder what sort of images one could find on his computer if they looked?
“I’ll ask them to comment on this post to verify that what I wrote today is true because I’m sure Art will either redirect the URLs somewhere else once he knows this post is up (oh, and we have video of the redirects….).”
I’ll verify that, Dan. I tried those URLs and they re-directed to NAMBLA’s site. Art is warped.
I didn’t have to ask Chip Hanlon back for that diary of “Does Art Pedroza Have a Job?” It’s on the web and hotlinked to the story above.
But guess what Art, we have video of the redirect; and you still promoted (emphasis on the past tense) gay porn and sex between men and young boys on websites you own.
If Art is so proud of what he did, why did he scurry on-the-double to unhook his domains from NAMBLA?
Simple Matt; he’s a coward. He can no longer claim the high road. He promoted gay porn and an organization that advocates for sex between men and young boys on web properties he owns. Wonder if Jerbal Gerbil will make a comment?
Wonder if we’ll get to see Sean Mill go into red-faced, righteous indignation mode, and threaten to break Art’s neck?
“Wonder if we’ll get to see Sean Mill go into red-faced, righteous indignation mode, and threaten to break Art’s neck?”
Are you kidding me? Sean’s moral compass is as situational as the day is long.
Chmielewski and Cunningham: a circle jerk made in hell.
Pedroza is a sicko!! Thanks for posting up Dan and Matt for additional reference.
I usually stay out of the fighting that goes on but linking something to NAMBLA is reprehensible. I cannot think of many more organizations as disgusting as NAMBLA. THis is not a partisan issue as I would argue over 95% of people would agree with me on NAMBLA.
I wish this was not the case and Art had not done this but it seems that all of the facts and data are there to back up your claim. Although I am glad that Art has redirected these sites away from where they were initially pointing, I still think he owes a public apology not just to you but to all readers who may have unintentionally gone to this site.
Asking Art to apologize for anything is wishful thinking Chris. It’s not going to happen. And for the record, those sites were directed to Gay Porn and NAMBLA for more than 72 hours — far longer than the document Matt posted where the names of sexual abuse victims were not redacted.
Art and his team have hammered Matt about this for years, but his redirects to a site that promotes sex between men and young boys is far worse; what’s NAMBLA’s tag line? “Sex before 8 or it’s too late.” And 8 refers to the boy’s age and not the time of day.
Art Pedroza promoted sex between men and underage boys
Posted on the OJ blog – Sept. 24, 2009 at 9:20 pm
Mike (my real last name) daughter Says:
“I love reading the dirty words my daddy uses on local blog threads. I always come to his defense when he summons me to do so! Our relationship is so “specialâ€!”
The above disgusting and harassing comment was posted on the OJB – likely not by Art, but certainly by one of his minions.
At my request Art finally took the offensive post down. I asked him for an apology that this comment was posted on his blog – Art’s response:
“You were asking for trouble.”
Art Pedroza openly called for the murder of the mayor of Santa Ana by Mexican criminals – directly quoted from an Art Pedroza OJ blog post:
“You may recall that Pulido backed Hillary Clinton for President. Now she is in a position to pay him back by appointing him to be our Ambassador to Mexico.
I’m all for that! Considering all the violence and crime in Mexico, Pulido will feel right at home! Moreover, it is likely that at some point he will be kidnapped or whacked while serving in Mexico. Perfect! We will be rid of him in Santa Ana, and he will be taken care of by criminals in Mexico. It doesn’t get any better than that.”
Wow, are you serious? Art Pedroza is a pedophile?
I knew he was crazy, but I never would’ve guessed that Art Pedroza was a sick pervert.
I thought Art Pedroza was a loving parents and supportive father.
How sad would it be for one of his kids to look on his computer and ask him, “Daddy, what’s NAMBLA?”
Gee, this might be a stupid question… but since I know he has run for school board and city council and now knowing that he’s a Libertarian, do you think Art Pedroza would have any interest running as a Libertarian for the NAMBLA Executive Board?
By the way, it was a stupid question. I don’t know whether I’m shocked or horrified at the fact that Art Pedroza supports NAMBLA. He’s nothing more than a latino Michael Jackson.
Dan, what an eye-opening post!
I knew he was crazy, but I didn’t know Art Pedroza was a sick pervert who supports a pedophilia organization.
#18, I agree with you. His kids are in some serious danger if their father is subjecting them to this kind of online vulgarity. Someone needs to call the child protection services on Art Pedroza and make sure that none of them are in a position to ask “Daddy, what’s NAMBLA?”
Eric – I amnot suggesting Art is a pedophile; but he did promote NAMBLA and a Gay Porn site on a web domain he owns.
And there’s no question he’s a pig for doing this. Better still, what do you guys think about the blackmail attempt: “cede me *MY* URL and then pay for the ones I bought!” Nice.
Dan/Chris, you guys and Matt should do an interview with all the former OJ bloggers and ask them what they all think of Art. Do you gotta list?
I think the idea behind a frank, candid interview with the former OJ Bloggers would be a facinating read. It could offer some very respectable insight into the shenanigans of the irrespectable Art Pedroza. Dan/Chris, you should get the ball rolling on that over the weekend and put up a post about it.
How sad must it be for Art Pedroza? To be associated with NAMBLA?
I mean if anyone looks up his name on the internet from now on the words “pedophile” “pederasty” “Man-Boy” “pervert” and “sick” will be there. Next to his name, Art Pedroza.
According to their wikipedia page, NAMBLA is known to have local chapters throughout the country. Does NAMBLA have an OC chapter and, if so, is Art Pedroza a member of the Orange County NAMBLA chapter?
Dan and Chris, I’m very curious… is Art Pedroza listed on the California Sex Offenders Registry enacted through Megan’s Law?
I think Megan’s Law advocates need to speak out against Art Pedroza’s NAMBLA connections!
I wonder if Art Pedroza’s duties while being associated with the Orange County chapter of NAMBLA, prevented him from walking precincts in his city council race last year.
You know, it must be pretty hard to knock on someone’s door and convince that voter in Park Santiago when one is too busy paying closer attention to what their children are, or aren’t wearing, then the voter’s issues.
That’s the only way I can see why he lost to a convicted ketchup thief (and crazy person) Steve Rocco. I mean… Steve Rocco is crazy… but not NAMBLA crazy like Art Pedroza.
I was just going to stop by to say “hey,” but I accidentally typed “theliberalocblog.com” and I got re-directed to nude photos of dead people.
Great post, Dan. A portrait of Pedroza’s true, amoral nature in action.
Among other things, it clear Pedroza is an accessory to Bushala’s violation of Section 18320 of the California Elections Code.
For those wondering about that code section, click here: http://www.redcounty.com/4th-supe-district-watch-illegal-cyber-squatting-fringe-o-sphere
“I’ll ask them to comment on this post to verify that what I wrote today is true because I’m sure Art will either redirect the URLs somewhere else once he knows this post is up (oh, and we have video of the redirects….).”
I’ll verify that, Dan. I tried those URLs and they re-directed to NAMBLA’s site. Art is warped.
I didn’t have to ask Chip Hanlon back for that diary of “Does Art Pedroza Have a Job?” It’s on the web and hotlinked to the story above.
Art has already blinked.
The redirects to http://www.ryangenetrabuco.com, and http://www.theliberalocblog.com and http://www.liberalocblog.com now point to a Wiki page on Lemmings.
The redirect to http://www.madisonalexanderpublicrelations.com now goes to: http://101publicrelations.com/blog/when_pr_goes_really_bad_000194.html
But guess what Art, we have video of the redirect; and you still promoted (emphasis on the past tense) gay porn and sex between men and young boys on websites you own.
If Art is so proud of what he did, why did he scurry on-the-double to unhook his domains from NAMBLA?
Simple Matt; he’s a coward. He can no longer claim the high road. He promoted gay porn and an organization that advocates for sex between men and young boys on web properties he owns. Wonder if Jerbal Gerbil will make a comment?
Wonder if we’ll get to see Sean Mill go into red-faced, righteous indignation mode, and threaten to break Art’s neck?
“Wonder if we’ll get to see Sean Mill go into red-faced, righteous indignation mode, and threaten to break Art’s neck?”
Are you kidding me? Sean’s moral compass is as situational as the day is long.
Chmielewski and Cunningham: a circle jerk made in hell.
Pedroza is a sicko!! Thanks for posting up Dan and Matt for additional reference.
I usually stay out of the fighting that goes on but linking something to NAMBLA is reprehensible. I cannot think of many more organizations as disgusting as NAMBLA. THis is not a partisan issue as I would argue over 95% of people would agree with me on NAMBLA.
I wish this was not the case and Art had not done this but it seems that all of the facts and data are there to back up your claim. Although I am glad that Art has redirected these sites away from where they were initially pointing, I still think he owes a public apology not just to you but to all readers who may have unintentionally gone to this site.
Asking Art to apologize for anything is wishful thinking Chris. It’s not going to happen. And for the record, those sites were directed to Gay Porn and NAMBLA for more than 72 hours — far longer than the document Matt posted where the names of sexual abuse victims were not redacted.
Art and his team have hammered Matt about this for years, but his redirects to a site that promotes sex between men and young boys is far worse; what’s NAMBLA’s tag line? “Sex before 8 or it’s too late.” And 8 refers to the boy’s age and not the time of day.
Art Pedroza promoted sex between men and underage boys
Posted on the OJ blog – Sept. 24, 2009 at 9:20 pm
Mike (my real last name) daughter Says:
“I love reading the dirty words my daddy uses on local blog threads. I always come to his defense when he summons me to do so! Our relationship is so “specialâ€!”
The above disgusting and harassing comment was posted on the OJB – likely not by Art, but certainly by one of his minions.
At my request Art finally took the offensive post down. I asked him for an apology that this comment was posted on his blog – Art’s response:
“You were asking for trouble.”
Art Pedroza openly called for the murder of the mayor of Santa Ana by Mexican criminals – directly quoted from an Art Pedroza OJ blog post:
“You may recall that Pulido backed Hillary Clinton for President. Now she is in a position to pay him back by appointing him to be our Ambassador to Mexico.
I’m all for that! Considering all the violence and crime in Mexico, Pulido will feel right at home! Moreover, it is likely that at some point he will be kidnapped or whacked while serving in Mexico. Perfect! We will be rid of him in Santa Ana, and he will be taken care of by criminals in Mexico. It doesn’t get any better than that.”
Wow, are you serious? Art Pedroza is a pedophile?
I knew he was crazy, but I never would’ve guessed that Art Pedroza was a sick pervert.
I thought Art Pedroza was a loving parents and supportive father.
How sad would it be for one of his kids to look on his computer and ask him, “Daddy, what’s NAMBLA?”
Gee, this might be a stupid question… but since I know he has run for school board and city council and now knowing that he’s a Libertarian, do you think Art Pedroza would have any interest running as a Libertarian for the NAMBLA Executive Board?
By the way, it was a stupid question. I don’t know whether I’m shocked or horrified at the fact that Art Pedroza supports NAMBLA. He’s nothing more than a latino Michael Jackson.
Dan, what an eye-opening post!
I knew he was crazy, but I didn’t know Art Pedroza was a sick pervert who supports a pedophilia organization.
#18, I agree with you. His kids are in some serious danger if their father is subjecting them to this kind of online vulgarity. Someone needs to call the child protection services on Art Pedroza and make sure that none of them are in a position to ask “Daddy, what’s NAMBLA?”
Eric – I amnot suggesting Art is a pedophile; but he did promote NAMBLA and a Gay Porn site on a web domain he owns.
And there’s no question he’s a pig for doing this. Better still, what do you guys think about the blackmail attempt: “cede me *MY* URL and then pay for the ones I bought!” Nice.
Dan/Chris, you guys and Matt should do an interview with all the former OJ bloggers and ask them what they all think of Art. Do you gotta list?
I think the idea behind a frank, candid interview with the former OJ Bloggers would be a facinating read. It could offer some very respectable insight into the shenanigans of the irrespectable Art Pedroza. Dan/Chris, you should get the ball rolling on that over the weekend and put up a post about it.
How sad must it be for Art Pedroza? To be associated with NAMBLA?
I mean if anyone looks up his name on the internet from now on the words “pedophile” “pederasty” “Man-Boy” “pervert” and “sick” will be there. Next to his name, Art Pedroza.
According to their wikipedia page, NAMBLA is known to have local chapters throughout the country. Does NAMBLA have an OC chapter and, if so, is Art Pedroza a member of the Orange County NAMBLA chapter?
Dan and Chris, I’m very curious… is Art Pedroza listed on the California Sex Offenders Registry enacted through Megan’s Law?
I think Megan’s Law advocates need to speak out against Art Pedroza’s NAMBLA connections!
I wonder if Art Pedroza’s duties while being associated with the Orange County chapter of NAMBLA, prevented him from walking precincts in his city council race last year.
You know, it must be pretty hard to knock on someone’s door and convince that voter in Park Santiago when one is too busy paying closer attention to what their children are, or aren’t wearing, then the voter’s issues.
That’s the only way I can see why he lost to a convicted ketchup thief (and crazy person) Steve Rocco. I mean… Steve Rocco is crazy… but not NAMBLA crazy like Art Pedroza.
I was just going to stop by to say “hey,” but I accidentally typed “theliberalocblog.com” and I got re-directed to nude photos of dead people.
<> damn you Pedroza!