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LiberalOC reaches the 5000 post mark

April 20, 2010 1

Today we have reached the 5000 post mark for our almost four-year old blog. April 26th marks our fourth birthday. For four years we have brought liberal perspective to the orange county blogosphere. We have challenged the right-wing republicans, and we have even taken issue with some democrats. With 732,000 visits and about 1.38 million page views to date, we look forward to many more years of Challenging the Right-Wing Noise Machine.

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Tonite: Drinking Liberally Santa Ana – An Anti-Tea Party

April 15, 2010 2

As we do every week, tonight we hold our Drinking Liberally gathering in Santa Ana. In response to the rallies of people across the country who have been fooled, by an astro-turf movement created by corporate interests that care nothing about the people they are whipping up into mini-riots, we raise a glass to democracy. We are not loosing it. We are actually gaining it back, bit by bit, through the efforts of a few bold Democrats in Congress working to free us from the grip of corporate control of our government and elected officials.