Prior to certifying the results, Registrar of Voters conducted several post-election voting system tests and audits.
SANTA ANA, CA – June 19, 2024 – Registrar of Voters Bob Page today certified the results of the June 4, 2024, City of Anaheim District 3 Special Recall Election.
On the sole question of whether Natalie Rubalcava, Anaheim Councilmember for District 3, should be recalled, the No votes totaled 3,240 and the Yes votes totaled 2,775.
The Registrar of Voters will provide the certified results to the Anaheim City Clerk to present to the City Council, which must officially declare the results of the votes on the recall no later than July 28, 2024, pursuant to Elections Code section 10263.
Total voter turnout for the election was 23.3 percent. Of those ballots counted, 95.1 percent were Vote-by-Mail ballots and 4.9 percent were in-person ballots cast at Vote Centers.
Prior to certification, a one percent manual tally audit was completed to verify the results of the election. The legally required audit examined and manually tallied 872 ballots from one precinct chosen at random. The hand count results were then compared with the election results that were produced by the County’s voting system.
The audit confirmed that the results of the election were correct. Details on the audit can be found at ocvote.gov/audit.
A post-election logic and accuracy testing of Orange County’s voting system equipment and software was also conducted last week. Test ballots were fed through all ballot scanning devices used in the election, and all the votes on the test ballots were accurately counted.
Finally, the Registrar of Voters confirmed that the state-certified voting system software had not been modified during the election.
The Orange County Registrar of Voters produces detailed reports focusing on overall turnout, turnout by precinct, turnout by districts, turnout by cities, and more. These detailed reports can be found by visiting ocvote.gov/detailed-results
For more information about this election, visit ocvote.gov or call (714) 567-7600.
When I get back I am going to hook up with this guy!
Vern and Greg are gonna go out of their feeble minds.
Gotta say a break from the OC politics scene and BS in general is good, but there is NO GOOD Mexican food in Australia, save Ms. Love (thats a good hint to my identity Greg Diamond!)