If you saw Sunday’s LA Times Gustavo Arellano column on Huntington Beach Mayor Gracie Van Der Mark, note she showed him images on her tablet that she said was “porn” that was available from the Huntington Beach Public Library.
Here’s that part of the story:
“Then, Van Der Mark asked whether I wanted to see something on her tablet. I was hoping it was the timeline she keeps of all the attacks against her.
Nope; it was porn.
Earlier, she had described in exacting detail the illustrations and descriptions of oral sex she claimed were in children’s books at Huntington Beach libraries, copies of which she kept in a bookcase in her office, right next to a collection of writings by the Founding Fathers.
It was very nanny state of her to meddle with city librarians, I remarked.
“They try to say, ‘Well, I have a librarian’s degree, so I’m more educated than you,’” she countered. “Parents don’t know that this garbage is in our library.” She turned the tablet around.
“Click on any blue link you see like.”
No thanks.
She picked one at random. Naked women.
“Almost every school and their district still has this kind of garbage,” she said. “The only ones that are being damaged are children. The adults … I don’t care. Do whatever you want. Leave the kids alone.”
Bet I’m certain the HB Library has a book loaded with sex, violence, rape, incest, infantcide, and mutilation that the Fascist Four won’t demand be removed — The Bible.
from the “Call To Activism” Twitter account:
However, the Davis School District in Utah has already blinked; They have reversed the removal of the Bible from the library under pressure from the Community.
But let’s take this book and their argument about inappropriate content to the HB City Council majority. There are plenty of passages about sex, violence, and rape in the Bible for you to discover on your own. If the city council can defend this book in the public library, why not others that deal with similar topics?
These crazy Republicans & their “porn” crusades. They probably watch porn themselves. They say they want to protect children but these same folks let their kids surf the web with no supervision. Hypocrites!