Vote no on Anaheim’s Recall of Natalie Rubalcalva

SQS is a NO on Recall

SQS is a NO on Recall

The Orange Juice blog’s Vern Nelson hasn’t quite figured out that the Orange County Register’s editorial desk is using him – as a Democrat – to make the case against Democrats that they don’t like.  He wrote glowing columns about Congressional candidates Allyson Damikolas and Joanna Weiss because the Register hates Joe Kerr and Dave Min.  And he was soundly defeated by voters.

The Register hated the recall of OUSD Trustees and Ceci Iglesias from the Santa Ana City Council (and were neutral on the Jess Lopez recall), but the Register, against the recall, has allowed Nelson to make the case for the recall of Anaheim Mayor Pro Tem Natalie Rubalcava, a Democrat, which is a party the editorial board doesn’t care about.

To start off, Rubalcava voted – along with every member of the Anaheim City Council – to approve Disneyland’s aggressive Disneyland Forward initiative that will invest a ton of money into the park and the city that will pay off handsomely with new building trade union jobs and nearly 14,000 new employees. Others who voted for this are on the ballot in November, but why not recall other council members who aren’t?

Rubalcava got IEs from Disneyland’s SOAR PAC?  So did most other members of the city council.  And some got money from a variety of Labor Unions.  If you want to have political reform so that council members who benefit from IEs can’t vote on items before the council, shouldn’t that apply to Labor Union contributions too?  By pointing out how much Disney PACs spend to support candidates they want, isn’t Nelson forgetting something?  Anaheim voters are electing these people.  Does he really think Anaheim voters are so stupid that they don’t know what they are getting when they cast a ballot? And yes Vern, I know Unite Here 11 started this but I’ll disagree with them on this matter.

Disneyland will pay for city streets that Nelson says Anaheim residents want to keep public.  I’m sure some of them do.  Only 1,000 people have signed a petition which is just shy of 3/10ths of one percent of the city’s residents.  And without a vote or broad survey on the topic, I doubt the majority of Anaheim residents even care.  This was the same vote as every member of the city council.

On affordable housing, which is actually a city-wide issue, is the funding offered by Disneyland only for the new employees?  Or can any Disneyland employee apply? What about non-Disneyland employees? Unlike Orlando, which has a ton of land, there’s not a lot of room in Anaheim to build new housing period – affordable or not.  Condo-style high rises offer increased numbers of housing units but also increased density.  Again, this vote was taken by every member of the city council. And as employees go, Disney isn;t hold a gun to anyone’s head to go work for them.

Maybe the Angels will leave to greener pastures and the city can build affordable housing on the site of the old stadium.

Rubalcava was duly elected to the city council.  Her election came well after the cabal in Anaheim was exposed.  She’s not a part of it.  Her votes mirror those of her council colleagues with few exceptions.  To hold her positions on the Angels stadium negotiation while she was an executive with the Orange County Business Council and suggest she’ll rubber stamp something as a council member is sort of like praising Vern Nelson for marching in a Mothers Against Drunk Driving parade; I’m certain she’ll approach this thoughtfully. And OCBC is all abut economic development in OC…not a bad thing at all.

But based on her votes and her positions that align with her council colleagues – including the Mayor – Rubalcava has done nothing to warrant her removal via a recall.  Instead, the recall is a waste of Anaheim taxpayer dollars that could have been spent on public safety, street maintenance, or parks and recreation.

“I am absolutely against it and support my council colleague,” said Anaheim Mayor Ashleigh Aitken at a meeting of the Anaheim Democrat Club. “I’m not comfortable with recalls being used as a political hammer. And I believe that not just because she’s my council colleague, and she’s also a fellow registered Democrat.”

So let’s say Rubalcalva is recalled.  Now the council appointments someone else for the remainder of the term.  And what are the odds that candidate would be even more amenable to Disney? Natalie Rubalcava Champions Anaheim’s Historic Hotel Worker Safety Law   Careful what you ask for Anaheim.


  1. Well just because Vern was able to figure out how to work around a California Ignition Interlock (IE. BREATHYILIZE) to start his car, doesn’t mean he knows much else.

    I am given to understand Vern has been getting advice on how to “rebuild” his reputation after calling Councilmember Jose Diaz a “RETARD” because of his accent, Along with Mark Richard Daniels and William Fitzgerald calling the late councilmember Jordan Brandman a “JEW” and “SICK FAGGOT” (you should repost that video) along with his racial slurs against Asians (KBNP, Michelle Steele and Farrah Kahn).

    Well all the editorials and Holier Than Thou talk, can’t erase the fact that he is a FELON, five time drunk driver, accused rapist OH wait, let’s pretend the SUCK MY C#CK scandal never happened.

    But fear not, I KNOW that both Michelle Steele, Scott Baugh and another GOP candidate have all of his dirt, including the sick mailers he sent. And any candidate STUPID enough to associate with Vern, Greg and the other LOSERS at the Orange Juice Blog (excluding his fellow gadfly Cecil, who despite his Mental Illness is a nice guy and HE EVEN THINKS VERN IS A LOSER).

    Think of the canidates who Vern supports and look at where they are now….Well Tom Tait not withstanding who fled when the ax fell down………

  2. Hello Dan,

    I have been travelling and came back to an in box full of messages…….

    Among them was an invitation from the Anaheim Democratic Club summer fundraiser hosted at the home of Assemblywoman Sharron Quirk Silva and her Fullerton councilmember husband Jesus. WAIT…an Anaheim Democratic club event in…….FULLERTON ( I guess the courtyard on Anna drive wasn’t available???). But equally troubling is according to the invitation, the event is being organized by Vern and Donna Nelson? Now I thought Vern was removed….but, the invite has his Metro PC wireless number (714 235-XXXX and the EMAIL of

    Has Vern been reinstated or is lying and drinking again?

    Another item was from “Friends Of Michelle Steele” encouraging protests (a page out of Vern and Donnas book) encouraging protesters (legally protected by the Bill Of Rights) Vern’s virtuoso performance to chant with MEGAPHONES: “SUCK MY C$CK, I’M DRUNK” and RICKY RETARDO, I am told a host of special needs kids will be there.

    I guess Vern is playing nice with OC party officials now so they think it’s OK to look past his REPEATED TORRID BEHAVIOR. I don’t think the Steele campaign will be that generous.

    Boy does Derek Tran know what he’s getting into?

    As for Natalie, the women lived her whole life in Anahiem and Vern Nelson and Jose Moreno are mearly transplants (Vern piggy backing on his wifes tragedy.


  3. Greg Diamond has apparently moved out of Orange County No one wants to buy his books (he wants full
    Price for stuff that’s dusty or dog eared. Vern was seen at the Hogg event Sunday at the bar It was non-alcoholic but he reeked of booze and single women were warning friends to stay away from him

  4. If Donna could afford a proper carwash. She would go to the FULL SERVICE Place that the fought so hard against and ask the workers to find the AIR POD tracker I planted on their vehicle. Ohhh Where Vern has been……

    Greg, they’ll find someone else to give the breakfast scraps at John’s Place…..

  5. and Vern has removed this comment from a post on the CA40 primary; so I’m reprinting it here where he can’t do anything about it.

    Vern Nelson
    Posted June 2, 2024 at 6:42 PM
    LOL. And I’m not kidding.
    I went to the big DPOC David Hogg fundraiser today, and after a while I saw my old friend Jonathan Adler, a bigtime DPOC insider but pretty progressive, who is still bitter about all the lies Joe Kerr told about Allyson, and his primary victory over her. He was all, “Vern, I’ve been meaning to call you. I have a lot of new info.” I’m all, “Is this about Joe Kerr? I don’t wanna think about him and I’m not gonna write about him, before the election at least. I can’t stand the guy, but I don’t want Democrats to lose any seats this year.” “Oh, don’t worry about that,” said Jonathan, “he’s never gonna win, the Party gave up on that race when he won the primary.” And then he went on to tell me about all kinds of illegal campaign activities Joe was guilty of.
    I’d noticed that the guy standing behind the (non-alcoholic) bar where we were talking started leaning in closely and listening when he heard the name “Joe Kerr.” Finally he sputtered, “Why don’t you two losers get the fuck out of this event?” It was Tony Bedolla, I didn’t recognize him.
    We did NOT get the fuck out of the event, but we did move away from the bar.

    I, for one, would love to hear about alleged illegal campaign activities or get some evidence the Party gave up on this race. None of that is true.

  6. Not surprised that Vern took down his post that mentioned me.

    FTR, I did not sputter. Those who know me know I do not “sputter.”

    After I confronted him. He did not say a word and slinked away.

    His taking down that post is pretty much what I expected from someone who exhibits cowardice.

    • Adler denies the conversation happened as Vern describes. But between he is 0-for-3 in his Register column positions. Voters are smarter than he is.

  7. Vern Nelson (along with Greg Diamond) is a paper tiger, keyboard warrior.

    Unfortunately, the prospect of Democrats taking the 48th Congressional District as well as the 40th are in GREAT PERIL because of Vern. I don’t know what he has on the Silva’s but inviting Vern and Donna Nelson to host a political event in your home is a sure fire path to failure. Ann Marie-Randall-Trejo REALLY??

    Somebody best reach out to the Silva’s “Cause they be going down with the sinking ship”

  8. Ahhh Vern with rotting teeth and ill-fitting dirty clothes is such a chick magnet. Unfaithful to his wife whom I hope gets STD tests. He’s a pig

  9. Ahhh Vern with rotting teeth and ill-fitting dirty clothes is such a chick magnet. Unfaithful to his wife whom I hope gets STD tests. He’s a pig

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