I actually wish this was one of those fun fake news stories we used to run on April 1st. But OC GOP Chair Fred Whitaker released this statement on Saturday, March 30.
Statement on Joe Biden’s “Trans Day of Visibility” on Easter
ORANGE COUNTY, CA – Hon. Fred M. Whitaker, Chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County, released the following statement:
“Tomorrow, like millions of Christians in the United States, I will be celebrating Easter. The resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We do so with humility, respect and hopefulness.
Joe Biden will not. He used the Presidency of the United States to declare tomorrow not Easter, but Trans Day of Visibility. This is a new low, even for Joe, but I am not surprised as he has used his administration to target and thumb the eyes of Christians across this nation.
Unlike President Biden, the Republican Party of Orange County wishes Christians of all denominations a very blessed Easter. We will be back on the campaign trail Monday to restore a government of respect this November.”
Easter is never the same day of the year, but always falls on a Sunday. “Trans Day of Visibility” always falls on March 31, as it did during all four year’s of Trump’s disasterous presidency.
This recognition does not in any way, shape or form disrupt Easter. But it does send a message to OC’s LGBTQ community that the OC GOP, who prays to Jesus every Sunday and spends the rest of the week ignoring his message, doesn’t give a rat’s ass about this community. They’d rather priase glory upon the Orange Jesus who embodies all seven deadly signs, sells $60 Bibles, and goes on trial soon for paying hush money to a porn star for an affair that happened while his third wife was home with a newborn son — that third wife beng the third wife he cheated on.

What hypocrites. Remember voters, yoru contributions to the GOP go directly to paying Trump’s legal fees.
Trump’s Eastr message:

Liberals who disbarred John Eastman with a three million judgement are calling conservatives hateful.
Liberals didn’t disbar Eastman; the state bar did
Judge Yvette Roland evidently needs the three million to pay her Bar fees.
The judge that sentenced Eastman is not an active member of the Bar Assn. Although it is not a requirement for a judge to be in active status, my point original point is valid. Liberals disbarred Eastman out of hate.
Judges and lawyers are both liberal and conservative; John Eastman tried to use obscure legal tactics to legitimize an insurrection and that’s why he should be disbarred
Well one could say the same about Assembly member Avalino Valencia speaking at Vern’s Anaheim Democratic Club.
If this dude pivots and consoles with those animals, he gets EVERYTHING he deserves.
Actually, I think Avelino would eat Vern and Greg for lunch