Former Anaheim City Council member Lucille Kring will not be a Republican candidate for Mayor of Anaheim this fall. Kring tells TheLiberalOC there’s just not enough time to raise the campaign funds needed to put on a citywide campaign. And it appears Republicans may not have a candidate on the ballot for Mayor.
The big question remains, which candidate do Republicans hold their noses and vote for? Ashleigh Aitken has the DPOC’s endorsement for Mayor. Former Anaheim council member Lorri Galloway will also be on the ballot. And while both have progressive records, will Galloway’s experience with the business community and her non-profit charity create a strange bedfellows situation of Anaheim business interests and working class moderate Democrats that continue to vote for Lou Correa for Congress and Tom Daly for assembly?
Kring hasn’t ruled out another run for office at a future date. She’s currently on the City’s Planning Commission. Her name has frequently been mentioned as a possible candidate for Mayor, but for her, the timing isn’t right.
Her time is long past. And Galloway doesn’t stand a SC chance – even if she hadn’t left a trail of scandals behind her and even if what you bragged about her was true (it isn’t).
Plus she lied about Vern Nelson being a drunk pervert. That should piss off Women voters. Vern has absolutely no history of achohol abuse or being “lecherous”, just ask Greg Diamond.
Vern lies about her. And let’s go back to the Tweets from Easter weekend that Donna took full responsibility for even though it’s clear two people were writing. Then there’s Donna’s VoiceMail apology where Vern is heard coaching her. But oh no, Vern’s a truth teller right?
You certainly aren’t.
as you are a friend of Vern’s, let me know ho you deal with the “suck my cock” commnets from his Twitter feed Easter 2021
Dick, good to see you chime in!!
I liked Vern at some point, but over the past few years his increasingly erratic behavior have made me re-examine that.
I can not in good conscience associate with someone who:
1) Is still drinking g after FIVE DUIS.
2) REPEATEDLY uses Homophobic, racist and anti-semetic comments.
3) Who refers to the developmentally disabled: “RETARDS”.
4)Attempted to sexually assault Lorri Galloway.
5) Sent the DISGUSTING Easter Sunday texts to a woman he had never met, who’s child was dying at CHOC: “Suck My Cock”. This is widely documented, and he has admitted this.
6) Doubled down and called Activist Jenna Beck) a ” “Fat Whore”.
7) Uses a Twitter handle: @rimliker.
So again, what does Ashlieh Aitken, T and Julie Tate, Cynthia Ward, Greg Diamond, Dave Zenger, Ryan Catnor, Katrina Foley, Ada Briceno, SQS. Jose and Lorena Moreno have to say about this?
Funny, they spout off about EVERYTHING else. I have chosen to eliminate this toxic, sad, troubled person from my life. You should too.
Well, let’s see what voters have to say.
Kisses Jessica. Remember the Christmas party? Bet not.
Are you kidding Dick?
Who could forget? I am just glad to be rid of those losers. Plain disgusting people.