Just when you thought the planned Veteran’s Cemetery and Memorial at the Great Park was safe, the LiberalOC has word that Mayor Steven Choi’s appointed planning commissioner Anthony Kuo may be promising the city’s new Chinese-American immigrants that the city’s planning commission — which Kuo chairs — could stop the development of the memorial on a host of environmental issues.
We’ve received a rough English translation of an October 26 article in WorldJournal.com by Xiao Yu Di, and it’s not a great translation but it’s clear that Kuo, also identified as Gui Zhengming, said the project hadn’t gone through the Planning Commission and that there were a number of factors the Memorial would need to address before any development could occur.
The telling quote from Kuo, according to the translated text (and forgive all the commas): “…because of past military land, the land contains a lot of cement, and the development of the cemetery, there are certain requirements, soil preparation depth of at least six feet up, there are still many in the environmental assessment process variables, therefore, he is currently considered the possibility of veterans cemetery built in Orange County Great Park is not large.”
What to make of all this?
Choi did poorly at the candidate’s forum at the Irvine Chinese School; everyone in the audience was aware of the mayor’s comments, on suspending the sister city program/friendship city program, calling China a “terrorist country.” The audience openly applauded Choi’s opponents and Council Jeff Lalloway pandered to the audience saying Choi tried to get the City Council to consider Feng Shui in the development of the Veteran’s Cemetery while conveniently leaving out the fact Choi used the Feng Shui argument to try and kill the Cemetery project altogether before switching his vote to approve the project. It certainly appears, that through his appointed planning commissioner Kuo, that Choi is trying to assure these Chinese American voters that the Cemetery and Memorial will be denied in the planning process….if you vote for Choi of course.
Here’s the image we got; please judge for yourself:
Please note the ad for Great Park Neighborhoods at the bottom of the page; terrific marketing by the developer! Assure your target market, “this cemetery will be killed by our bought and paid for city council majority through their planning commission. Come buy our expensive homes!”