Halloween is Friday but for some who are active in the blogsphere, dressing up in costume is a 365-day a year experience. Notably, former Irvine Police Lieutenant Patrick Rodgers.
Mr. Rodgers doesn’t wear a cardigan when he frequently comments on the blogs and news sites staunchly defending Irvine Republicans after, for years, lamenting why Irvine residents kept re-electing Irvine’s progressives to the city council. Mr. Rodgers, himself a former candidate for city council who lost a politically motivated lawsuit against the city and practically begged to have the legal fees the city incurred forgiven, uses his former official Irvine Police portrait when commenting on blogs or news sites.
Lately, Pat has been railing against our publisher Chris Prevatt’s for Chris’s advocacy against the County of Orange’s plans to work with Vanguard University to offer discounted tuition for county employees who must adhere to the University’s strict religious standards. Pat feels this is the gay agenda at work. For background, this Voice of OC story will serve you well.
From the story:
The University cancelled the partnership “due to concerns voiced by a few county citizens,” according to an Oct. 21 letter from Lettie Cowie, Vanguard’s Vice President for Business Operations.
The deal to offer county employees 25 percent reduced tuition in exchange for advertising on the county’s internal web communications will expire 90 days, but employees will still be able to receive a tuition discount through another Vanguard program, according to the letter.
Controversy over the partnership emerged after Chris Prevatt, a Health Care Agency employee and a gay man, filed an internal complaint arguing that a partnership with an institution that “specifically promotes, advocates, and defends discrimination against individuals on the basis of religious faith and sexual orientation” violates state and county nondiscrimination rules.
The school is affiliated with the Pentecostal Christian sect Assemblies of God, which rejects homosexuality, gay marriage and premarital sex. Students who engage in actions that violate community standards can be subject to discipline, according to a policy on the University’s website.
Pat chimed in at the bottom of the piece in the comments section (the bolded italics are my emphasis):
Dan, thanks for the trash talk, but I am way past insults from the likes of liberals like yourself. When I was a law enforcement officer, I enforced the law objectively and without bias toward anyone. I have been retired for eleven years and the opinions I express are mine and mine alone, I am as entitled to express those opinions as much as you are to pose as a journalist spreading your propaganda and half-truths.
Yes, I ran for Council a number of years ago to put my money where my mouth was. When I was unhappy with the direction of the City I served for thirty years and criticized the corrupt powers in office, stepping to the plate was the least I could do. The problem was the Irvine voters were not yet ready for the changes they implemented in 2010 and I respect that.
I would have made a lousy politican anyway, because I tend to say what I think, regardless of political correctness. That can be applied to your reference of my commentary regarding your publisher. While tolerating alternative life styles, I have never approved of such conduct and it runs contrary to my religious upbringing. That said, I have no ax to grind with people who have chosen such a life path and have friends and relatives falling into that catagory. What I have a problem with is people like your publisher who throw their lifestyle in the faces of everyone else.
The photo you relate to a Halloween costume was from my City Council campaign in 2008. I wore that uniform honorably for thirty years serving the citizens of Irvine. I am proud of that service and the uniform I wore. Insults like that Dan merely reflect the lack of character you bring to the table.
Dan, sticks and stones may break my bones, but names and insults will never phase me.
and you now sully that proud uniform with bigotry and intolerance. Take a new photo.
Dan, to your continued trash comments I would only add, “One man’s moral convictions are another man’s bigotry and intolerance.” You have the right to believe as you choose and I have the right to do the same. End of discussion.
Dan should be discussing intolerance with Mike Galloway and how the police had to be called when he threatened a neighbor over a political sign. Why are burying that story LOC?
Like Erwin Chemerinsky, Dan Chemeilewski cannot do other than blather leftist talking points, and support far left-wing nut jobs for public office. It is liberal loyalty, the welfare of the country, state, and community be damned.
Hence we have a bankrupt country, headed by a narcissistic and incompetent communist, a bankrupt state, and the most bankrupt by far of any state in the union.
Larry Agran could not have been elected to anything in Irvine were it not for the far left-wing professors and their brainwashed charges, all of whom
overwhelmingly march in lockstep.
Perhaps Mr Chemielewski can provide some lame excuses trying to justify how Agran squandered $200,000,000 for a ferris wheel and orange balloon, plus a few file cabinets full of plans. Take your time, Dan.
Larry pretends that $1,000,000 for the audit is a waste, but $200,000,000, over ten years, is no big deal. Oh, and don’t forget Larry’s braggadocio: “I am confident that the Great Park can be built and maintained using private funds.”
That is a howler! It’s a local version of “I promise to cut the national deficit in half by the end of my first term.” (Barack Obama, for all you liberals who don’t want to remember his promise)