WASHINGTON, D.C. – In honor of International Women’s Day, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (CA-47) today delivered the following one minute speech on the floor of the House of Representatives.
Ms Sanchez, how do you feel about Latino “organized gang stalking & harassment” as firm if retaliation towards those who exercise their right to “Freedom of Speech” on the topic of immigration and such? Many cry out “racism” when one is opinionated on the high crime rate involving Latinos in the USA. I am no racist in fact I am Hispanic my self and very proud of that however, crime does not discriminate and statistic at the crimes report data does not lie. For that reason I believe illig immigrants in the USA with felony records should be deported back to their country as well as true famines. Seems harsh but at be cost of reducing crime why is that do wrong to speak out on? This is still America.
Latino organization & religions affiliated with organized crimes are being utilized as form of retaliation for those who speak out or are opinionated. This is terribly wrong as many immigrants flee their country to escape communism and control such as “organized gang stalking” in America. Why bring the “run you out of our pueblito” mentality to our nation simply to control ones free speech and thinking. Please I urge you to look I. To this matter. It is not about racism it is about sharing ones opinions, ideas and free speech of course. Please make reserve day for this good cause where every one has a right to free speech,… Even American Hispanic citizens. Thank you. Tanya