Another Democrat with a Spine


The budget crisis in Wisconsin has been fascinating to watch.  One Democrat not afraid to speak his voice is Rep. Gordon Hintz. Please watch the YouTube video above.  And it bears noting, aren’t the Republicans in the Wisconisin legislature guilty of not reading the bill and trying to ram through legislation?


  1. Kepdapeace,

    Anyone who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart – and any one who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.

    Where do you fall in the above age categories?

  2. Dan said: “One Democrat not afraid to speak his voice is Rep. Gordon Hintz.”

    Yeah, but he is afraid to show up and do the job he is paid to do and is his responsibility to the voters of Wisconsin. I call that deriliction of duty.

  3. Republicans in the U.S. Senate prevent the Senate from doing its work and it’s high five time on K Street, Wall Street and most of teh streets of Newport Beach. Democrats in the Wisconsin Senate prevent the Senate from doing tis work and its deiliction of duty. Please.

    And for those confused about the situation, Gordon Hintz DID show up to work and spoke the truth.

    • A minor point:

      DEMOCRAT U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada prevented the “Glass-Steagall” amendment, (Cantwell – McCain amendment), from being considered during the debate for the Wall Street puppet’s, Barack Hussein Obama’s, “Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009”.

      THE major point:

      Will Congress reinstate Glass-Steagall?
      It’s Glass-Steagall or cut, cut, cut, at the city, county, state, and federal levels.

      The Global Mass Strike Demands Glass-Steagall

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