It’s been a tough year for President Obama, but there are a host of new polls and editorials out suggesting the President has done a pretty good job in the first half of his presidency. For example, the New York Daily News had this story that showed the President still enjoys better numbers than just about any Republican candidate for president.
And a new Gallup Poll shows the president is still the most admired man in the world (Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is again the most admirede woman in the world). But take heart conservatives, George W. Bush makes the list and Sarah Palin was ranked second behind Hillary in the women’s category.
From the Daily News story: “A new CNN/Opinion Research poll shows the commander in chief has weathered a rough second year in office and the outraged howls from Democrats he irked by backing tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans.
The survey found that 78% of Democrats believe he should be renominated for a second term, while only 19% – the lowest number since the question was first asked in March – want the party to nominate someone else.
And 85% of liberals want him renominated for a second term – a surprisingly solid number given that many on the left think he caved too easily and could have gotten a better tax deal.
Obama’s high ratings came before the Senate ratified the START treaty with the Russians and Congress passed the health and compensation bill for 9/11 first responders. The survey was conducted Dec. 17-19.
Meanwhile, the poll found that 51% of Republicans are not likely to vote for Palin if she runs for President in 2012.
That’s a huge turnabout from December 2008, when only a third of Republicans said they probably wouldn’t vote for her, while 67% thought they likely would.
Palin’s “likely” rating is 10 points worse among Republicans than former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and 18 points worse than ex-Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.
The numbers suggest that despite her widespread name recognition since being picked as John McCain‘s running mate in 2008, Palin has lost ground in convincing even Republicans, much less crucial independent swing voters, that she’s presidential timber.
Many senior GOP officials worry that a Palin candidacy will divide the party, making it easier for Obama to win reelection.
Red County editor Matt Cunningham insists the President is nothing more than another Jimmy Carter. This clearly isn’t the case and the new divide in Congress between the House and the Senate is going to make it tough for either party to accomplish very much in the next legislative session unless Republicans can learn the word “compromise” doesn’t mean “give us what we want without concession.”Â
Polls measure the general population’s denial of economic reality.
“January 1st: The Crisis Already Struck!
December 29th, 2010 • 4:42 PM
The end of the year is a date that does not change, but merely punctuates the fact that the Trans-Atlantic system is already gone. We present the irrefutable evidence in this report”.
9 minute video
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