This release came in from Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez this morning:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (CA-47), a member of the bipartisan Joint Economic Committee, today issued the following statement praising the U.S.’s landmark trade deal with South Korea, which promises to create at least 70,000 American jobs and boost domestic manufacturing:
“America’s new trade agreement with South Korea is welcome news on the heels of November’s disappointing job numbers. In the long-run, America’s economic recovery will largely depend on whether we can adapt to and compete in an increasingly global market. This landmark agreement, which enjoys broad support in both the public and private sectors, will help us do both by boosting U.S. exports to the world’s 12th largest economy and creating an estimated 70,000 American jobs in the process. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the House and Senate to quickly approve this historic pact.â€
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez is proud to represent California’s 47th Congressional District, which includes the cities of Anaheim, Garden Grove, Santa Ana, and parts of Fullerton in Orange County. She serves as Vice Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee and Chair of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Terrorism, Unconventional Threats, and Capabilities. Rep. Sanchez is also a member of the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coalition and sits on the bipartisan, bicameral Joint Economic Committee.
Loretta pauses to remark.
“In the long-run, America’s economic recovery will largely depend on whether we can adapt to and compete in an increasingly global market.â€
The Global Market
Freeze the $1.5 Quadrillion Global Derivatives Bubble As the First Step To World Economic Recovery
Act-Independent Statement to G-20 Summit, London, April 2, 2009
$1.5 quadrillion is 1,500 trillion which is 25 times the GDP Gross Domestic Product of the entire planet of $60 trillion.
Humanity is hopelessly doomed to a global financial collapse and a second “New Dark Age†which will reduce the global population by 2/3’s. The leadership of both political parties are insane and believe that a $1.5 quadrillion global derivatives bubble can be managed.
Loretta is just, and only, your average and clueless member of congress.