GOTV Push Draws Big Guns to Orange County

Democrats and labor friendly candidates in Orange County got some help this weekend from some heavy political hitters. With more than 500,000 registered democrats and several high profile races, Orange County has managed to draw much more political attention than in prior years. On Labor Day weekend, Attorney General Jerry Brown headlined an Orange County Labor Day rally in Santa Ana. In mid-October, former President Bill Clinton came out for a Santa Ana rally in support of Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez.

U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis - Photo: Chris Prevatt

On Saturday, U. S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis blazed a trail through the cities of Orange and Anaheim in support of organized labor candidates and Congresswoman Sanchez. Solis’ first stop was the Orange County Labor Federation‘s lunch time rally at the IBEW Local 441 Union hall. Solis rallied the 475 volunteers on hand to continue their efforts for labor supportive candidates in Orange County. Following her appearance at the Labor Walk, Solis visited the Anaheim campaign headquarters for Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, where 200 volunteers took a brief break from their precinct walks and phone banks to join Solis, Assemblyman Jose Solorio, Senator Lou Correa, Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido, Santa Ana Councilman David Benavides, County Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly, and Anaheim Union High School Trustee Jordan Brandman, to cheer on Congresswoman Sanchez in her campaign against challenger Assemblyman Van Tran. Below are some pictures from the two events.


Created with picasa slideshow from softsea.

Created with picasa slideshow from softsea.

On Sunday, Speaker John A. Pérez stopped his multi-county bus tour in Fountain Valley to boost the enthusiasm of volunteers for Phu Nguyen’s campaign for State Assembly in the 68th district. Pérez brought with him leaders from the State Assembly Democratic Caucus including Assemblyman Steve Bradford, Assemblywoman Bonnie Lowenthal, Assemblyman Warren Furutani, Assemblyman Isadore Hall, and Assemblyman Jose Solorio. In addition, State Controller John Chiang, and State Democratic Party Vice-Chairman Eric Bauman came along.

Created with picasa slideshow from softsea.

From Saturday forward more than 1500 volunteers will be out in the field knocking on doors getting voters who are supportive of democrats and labor friendly candidates to the polls on Tuesday. To find out where your polling place is visit the Orange County Registrar of Voters website here. Polls will be open from 7 am to 8 pm on Tuesday, November 2, 2010.

1 Comment

  1. Fairly paid labor made America great.

    Unions made extremely well paid fat-cat corporate officers pay labor a fair wage for a days work.

    Republican sponsored Legislation (NAFTA, PNTR, etc) Exported our Families Union Jobs to 3rd World Labor Rxploiters paying near Slave Wages.

    Bill Clinton joined the Republicans in “breaking the back of unions” by the wholesale export of Americans jobs to these 3rd world Exploiters. That was legislation a true democrat would have opposed – if he wasn’t sold-out to the Republican Special Interests.

    Over 100 years of labors struggle for fair wages from management – undone by Clinton & Republicans in a few short years.

    Those greedy special interests later repaid Clinton for his treachery against the American Working Family by making him EXTREMELY rich.

    Clinton – Hero to Wall Street, Corporate fat-cats, & the . . . . let’s say . . . . uninformed.

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