Over a quarter million people will see the parade in person to this town of less than 200,000 and many more will see it throughout Orange County and Southern California on their televisions. The parade entry costs with a substantial entry fee, the cost for the float construction, transport and driver, our live band and other costs. The Democratic Club of West Orange County has stepped up to underwrite the costs this year but if help and contributions remain as poor as they have been to date this may be the last year we participate at this level. If you can, please help. Contributions may be made online at http://www.actblue.com/page/hbparadejuly4th or checks marked to the parade fund may be sent to Democratic Club of West Orange County 2781 W. MacArthur Blvd. Ste B-Box 347 Santa Ana, CA 92704-7095
Join and/or support the OC Democratic Party’s entry in the biggest Fourth of July Parade in the west
Here are the details:
This Sunday, Independence Day, July 4, join the proud Democrats of Orange County in the great Huntington Beach Independence day parade. Help show some of our numbers and diversity and have a good fun time and a great start to the Fourth at the same time.
It’s time for dancing in the streets with rockabilly by Danny Dean and the Homewreckers live on our float.
Join the Democratic party on the float or marching (or dancing, if so moved) in the largest Independence day parade west of the Mississippi.
We hope that you will be in the 4th of July Parade in Huntington Beach with us. We want everyone to see that Democrats are an active part of Orange County.
WHERE TO MEET: From 7:30 to 9:00 am the marchers meet in the Seacliff Shopping Center parking lot on the northeast corner of Goldenwest and Yorktown at the Del Taco. Yorktown is closed off to traffic so you must enter the parking lot at Summit off Goldenwest by the McDonalds. The parking lot fills quickly so carpooling and getting there early are helpful. Drivers will transport marchers to the staging area. The parade begins at 10 am, but there’s much to do before hand and we need a good early (8:30) turnout to help win an award again.
WHAT TO WEAR: Marchers should wear a light blue t-shirt and blue pants or shorts. If you have one of our Constitution t-shirts from a past parade, please wear it. We will have a limited number of freshly made Constitution shirts for sale this year. We want to look like a somewhat matching unit, but turnout is more important than colors, so come even if you don’t have a light blue shirt. Anything patriotic themed is a good alternative. It’s a good idea to have sunblock and a hat or visor. We are not allowed (per parade rules) to wear candidate or Obama shirts.
What a way to ruin a parade but to enter a unit of people that somehow got loose from an institution to toss out their undermining ideas on a free country. You don’t even know what you are asking for. I pity your offspring that will live in a Marxist government led by Islam—-you should wake up.