Krom launches “Let’s Can Campbell” Food Drive

Irvine council member and candidate for Congress in CD-48 Beth Krom has launched a food drive to help the neediest families in Orange County’s 48th district. It’s a food drive with a message to “can” Rep. John Campbell.  So bring your canned goods and come and meet Beth, who promises to be a lot more accessible than our current Congressional representative.

Here’s what we got from the Krom campaign:


Dear Dan,

 Next weekend, January 23rd and 24th, Beth Krom will be working with every city in the “Great 48” – our Congressional District – to meet voters and collect canned goods to restock the shelves at our local food banks.

Beth Krom is challenging John Campbell for his seat in Congress because he hasn’t brought anything to the table. We’re affectionately calling this event “Let’s Can Campbell” to make the point that it’s time for change, and a real representative in Washington who is willing to work with every community in the district.

If you’re already a friend of the campaign, please help us in our effort to collect 1000 cans of food to meet the growing need in Orange County and encourage friends and family to do the same.

If you haven’t met Beth yet, this is the perfect opportunity!  She will be at each event – hitting every city within the district over the course of the weekend.

Click here to see when Beth will be in your area.  Feel free to come any event that is convenient for you.

Aliso Viejo 

Dana Point 


Laguna Beach

Laguna Hills

Laguna Niguel

Laguna Woods

Lake Forest

Newport Beach

San Juan Capistrano

Santa Ana


 For a complete schedule of events, click here.

Please join us in this effort as we demonstrate what can be accomplished when we all work together!  This is not a fundraiser – it’s a friend-raiser and community builder and we look forward to meeting you and your friends over the course of the weekend.

Remember, our goal is to collect 1000 cans of food to benefit our local food banks.

Thanks in advance for your support – we cannot do this without you!


  1. Sorry Dan some of us like Campbells soup. Frankly, I like the soup much better than my Representative. I am from the school of thought that Republicans and Democrats alike have over a number of years, caused the black hole we now find ourselves in. For that they all need to be fired, which is what would happen in any normal private sector company who operates based on performance. Let me rephrase that statement however, to exclude Wall Street, the big Banks and government run Corporations. Replacing our existing Congress with everyday Americans having no experience in politics or special interest ties, couldn’t cause more problems than we have now? Under those conditions, I guess your candidate Beth Krom might qualify, excepting for her affiliation with the Agranistas all those years. While having had the opportunity to take the high road, be her own person and stand up for good government, she has always chosen the lower road, with Agran calling the shots. That is unfortunate, because I believe Beth is a good, caring person, in the wrong crowd. One day, when the Agranista house of cards comes tumbling down, Beth will come with it. Now I know you disagree and will continue your championing their cause. I understand loyalty and respect you for that. Meanwhile, I think some Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup would be good for lunch today.

    • Pat — I thought you only worked for taxpayers Pat. As any private sector employee can tellyou, every company has some measure of dead weight in it’s ranks. The notion that the private sector can do anything better than government is only situational at best. For example, its costs the Federal government about $200K a year for each solider in Iraq (pay, clothes, weapons, shelter etc); whereas its about $440,000 for every Blackwater mercenary.

      You know, with all this “Agran House of Cards” malarky you peddle about how they do things in secret, do you ever have any proof? Larry practicially walks around in a lawyer in his pocket. Do you remember when Shea led the censure of Agran in 1999? It was for releasing a document to the public the right wingers on the council wanted hidden. So spare me your claims Pat and try presenting evidence.

  2. “I am from the school of thought that Republicans and Democrats alike have over a number of years, caused the black hole we now find ourselves in. For that they all need to be fired, ..” (!!!!!) – exclamation points added.

    I am with you there Ltpar.

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