TheLiberalOC has learned that someone with the same name as Westminster City Councilman Andy Tuan Ngoc Quach, has been cited for three moving violations since 2004. The first citation occurred on January 18, 2004 for driving at an unsafe speed and without proof of insurance in Santa Ana. The insurance charge was dismissed and Quach was fined $25 for speeding. Since he was represented by counsel, We would guess his legal fees exceeded his fine.
The second violation occurred a month later on February 16, 2004 in Garden Grove for making an improper turn on a red arrow in Garden Grove. That ticket was dismissed before any plea or bail was posted.
The most recent was however a bit more recent. Apparently Quach was cited for driving in excess of 100 miles per hour in Seal Beach on September 26, 2008. That case was dismissed on December 10, 2008 at trial. Our guess is that the citing officer did not show up to court.
We will let you know if we find out any more information.
Will you ever report on the reckless actions of Janet Nguyen’s husband Tom Bonikowski-Nguyen and her Chief-of-Staff Andrew Do whose health and safety code violations at their restaurant continue to put the well being of the public at risk or won’t your “Janny” handlers allow you to do so?
It sure is funny that your post is comprised of all the stuff being peddled around the blogosphere by Janet Nguyen and company.
Why don’t you credit your source of information on this post Chris? We all know you got it from somebody within the “Janny” camp.
Since when did Sean Mill become such a Van Tran apologist? The man is totally shilling for Republicans Andy Quach and Van Tran. Sal Tinajero must be a Trannie as well.
Try looking at the Superior Court Website.
Sean — wasn’t the Register’s story about the arrest sufficient? Sean, you want us to out a source when you write for a blog with anonymous bloggers who use “parjitos” all the time. C’mon Sean, you can’t be serious?
Will Sean Mill ever report over at Orange Juice about Santa Ana City manager Dave Ream — acting on whose orders, who knows? — awarding the multi-million dollar trolley contract to Cordoba, despite their being ranked so low by the staff evaluation committee?
Will Sean ever speak out against city staff stonewalling press requests for documents related to this public bidding process?
If you’re going to start the “when you will report…” game, Sean…
Sean is probably going through a bit a confusion. From what I can gather Sal Tinajero must have voted for both the Cordoba contract and the Graffiti Ordinance. How could his benefactor vote contrary to his and Art Pedroza’s wishes? Oh the pain.