Senator Correa Cuts His Own Pay

correaCiting hard times ahead for California, State Senator Correa acts to reduce legislative pay

Sacramento – In light of California’s dire budget shortfall, Orange County’s State Senator Lou Correa today took action to immediately cut his own legislative salary 10% (ten percent) below what is currently allowed to be paid to legislators.

In a letter to State Controller John Chiang, Correa stated that, “Given the continuing decline in state revenue, and the required upcoming cuts to many vital programs, I believe it is my responsibility to lead by example in reducing my salary.”

According to the Senator, the California Citizen’s Compensation Commission recently attempted to reduce legislative salaries by 10%, but failed to pass the motion.  “While I believe that there will be sufficient votes to pass the pay cut at their meeting today, such an action cannot take effect until the next term of office.  It is important as a State Senator that I step up now and share in the personal sacrifices and hardships that many Californians are experiencing first hand,” Correa added.

During the Senator’s term of office, Correa has declined both per diem increases and salary raises given to other members of the legislature.In closing, Senator Correa added that, “This legislature is about to make some very difficult choices that will impact hundreds of thousands of Californians. We will be asking much of our neighbors to do more with less from the state, and I will stand with my neighbors in working through these hardships toward a fiscally sound state.”


  1. This should be beneficial to Lou Correa when he faces a challenge from Janet Nguyen for his seat. You should press Supervisor Nguyen on doing the same thing since we are going to have severe problems here in OC due to the budget problems.

    But I doubt she will be so bold since she did spend so much on her own office remodle, stole a staffer from the health department, voted to continue a lawsuit with the deputies, cut funding for Planned Parenthood, takes more in car allownaces than most people spend on their own cars, votes to 0protect restaurants that contribute to her war chest; I can increase this list ad infinitum.

  2. I’m not impressed.

    The Legislators have to take an 18% pay cut starting next year. Republican State Senator Abel Maldonado has agreed to have the 18% pay cut take effect June 1st. If Senator Correa is serious about taking a pay cut, I think he should follow suit.

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