Garden Grove’s Term Limit Initiative Only 35 Votes Shy of Passage

Three Close Races in Central Orange County Still Undecided

For voters in Garden Grove, the election is apparently not quite over yet. Initiative Q, which would reduce the amount of time which a termed-out council person would have to wait before they could run for city office again to two years. Currently, a termed-out mayor can run after sitting out for two years, but a council person must wait for 4 years.

The initiative is an attempt to rectify the disparity and even the playing field for all termed-out contenders.

As of 5pm yesterday, the vote is:

Yes:      22,179   50.0%
(reduce waiting period for termed-out council members)

No:       22,214  50.0%
(retain the four year waiting period)

The initiative is losing by a mere 35 votes. The word is that an attorney/attorneys have been visiting the Registrar to oversee the provisional counting. We’ll have to wait and see if the numbers change again at 5pm tonight.

Our sense is that the initiative will lose by a narrow margin. The question is, will the sponsor of the initiative, Mark Rosen ask for a recount…

Westminster City Council Race Still Close

Other narrow victories in central county include the Westminster City Council race where the early lead (for 2nd place and a seat on the council) was held by Penny Loomer. The race now stands at:

TRUONG DIEP      10,366 22.4%

PENNY LOOMER   10,303     22.3%

Truong Diep is currently leading by 63 votes. Both Loomer and Diep put in an appearance at the Registrars, but it’s unclear what actions either may be taking at this point.

Santa Ana School Board

Another close race is for the Santa Ana School Board where, Valerie Amezcua, who was leading Roman Reyna, fell behind in the count late last week and is now losing that seat by a mere 62 votes.

ROMAN REYNA   10,773   11.8%

VALERIE AMEZCUA    10,711    11.7%

Last we heard, legal representatives had become involved in the counting process. Sources have told us that a recount in the Santa Ana Race would be unlikely unless it narrows to under 40 votes.

1 Comment

  1. Measure Q is only 16 votes away from breaking even. 17 votes in the affirmative and it will pass. That has the following consequences for 2010;

    mark Rosen will run again. andthis will make the list of candidates that much more volitile with the following candidates in the race.

    Mark Rosen termed out will be able to run again if measure Q passes

    Mark Leyes Termed out two years ago wuill run for council again in 2010

    Bruce Broadwater ends his first term will run again for council or may run for mayor.

    Dina Nguyen will be ending her first term on council and will run for re-election.

    Robin Marcario: the little engine that could will most likely run again after the results of this electin have surely stelled her resolve.

    Linh Ho the Democratic Hopeful in the Vietnamese Community.

    Charles Mitchel: the ol switch to mitch will run again at the behest of janet to split the non-vietnamese vote to the benefit of whomever janet chooses to run to further strengthen her grip on Garden Grove.

    A US Senate Race Boxer Devore:
    Governor of CA; Insert ten names here
    Loretta Sanchez and the GOP Lamb TBD

    67th, 68th, and 69th State Assembly races.

    Lou Correa and the GOP candidate TBD.
    This is going to be intersting as Lou Chickens come home to roost.
    The 2010 race is going to be a feeding frenzy on the citizens of Garden Grove. Whoa to the residents of this fair city when they get bombarded by robo calls, mail, walkers, flower drops etc etc.

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