Irvine Council Candidate Todd Gallinger Gets a Death Threat

The Los Angeles Times is reporting that Irvine City Council candidate Todd Gallinger has received a death threat.  The threat, phoned into Gallinger’s law office, was received by an employee. 

Todd GallingerThe threat comes on the heels of a warning issued by City Councilor and campign rival StevenChoi who, without identifying Gallinger by name, warned an Irvine Chamber of Commerce candidate’s forum about the dangers of supporting a candidate with ties to “a dangerous Islamic organization.”

Gallinger lists CAIR, the Council for American Islamic Relations, as a client when he assists Muslims with immigration and citizenship issues.

From the story:

Gallinger said the caller thought he was talking to him but told an employee, “I want to cut off your head just like all the other Muslims deserve.”  

Police spokesman Rick Handfield confirmed Thursday that the department is investigating the alleged threat.

“It’s clear that the person was motivated by the political attacks against me by my opponent,” Gallinger said.

On Thursday, Choi said he was surprised that someone would threaten Gallinger but did not believe it was inspired by his remarks at the Sept. 19 forum. Gallinger earlier that month had been interviewed about his association with the council on a KUCI-FM radio show.

“It’s a ridiculous question,” Choi said when asked if the caller was acting because of his comments. “Am I responsible for someone else making a threat to him? No. This is not my intent at all.”

He said the media had “escalated the problem” by publishing his remarks, which he said were directed at the council and not individual Muslims.

Last month, retired Irvine Police Lt. Patrick A. Rodgers, who is also running for a seat on the council, sent an e-mail to reporters describing himself as “a conservative American red, white and blue thru and thru,” and invited them to investigate Gallinger. Rodgers called his opponent “at best a terrorist group sympathizer.”

And a recent campaign mailer addressed to “Irvine Republicans” accused Gallinger and other Democratic candidates for mayor and City Council of “touting” the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which it described as “a group with terrorist ties.”

Choi, Council member Christina Shea, Council canddiate Patrick Rodgers, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore and Irvine Tattler publisher Stephen Smith have all played a part in fanning the flames of bigotry against Muslim Americans.  DeVore’s blog post about this incident, first reported here, wrapped up with a fundraising plea for the Team Irvine ticket, using a typical Republican tactic of fear to drum up support for a slate of candidates. 

Meanwhile, TeamIrvine continues to run on a platform of “aren’t the progressives bad for Irvine” in spite of FBI status as the safest city in America, the 4th best place to live in America and one of the 10 greenest cities in America. 

While Choi absolves himself of any responsibility for the death threat, neither he, nor Shea, Smith, Rodgers or DeVore has condemned this death threat against a rival political.  I wonder how this bunch would react if it were a death threat against any of them for their extreme right wing beliefs?

For Tattler publisher Smith, who continues to brand Gallinger a carpetbager, in spite of the fact that Gallinger grew up in Irvine and bought a house in Irvine after living briefing in Alsio Viejo, by all means…keep using the carpetbagger label.  And everytime you do, we’ll post something about your favorite Cougar.


  1. Dan, I have been called many names in my time, most of them unprintable, but the word “bigot,” has never been one of them. Of course with your distinct philosophical slant to the far left and your infatuation with the Agranistas, what else could one expect from you.

    My ax to grind is not with the religion of Islam, nor those dedicated people who practice it’s principles in their daily life. I believe this includes all but a small group of Muslims in America. My ax to grind comes with organizatons like the Council on Islamic American Relations (CAIR) and several other groups, who posing as charitable fronts promote a radical version of Islam and seek to make it the predominent religion in America. To them, we and yes even you Dan, are infidels and not worthy of taking up space on this planet. Perhaps, this is the reason that a vast majority of Muslims have turned their backs on groups like CAIR. Bottom line is that while CAIR claims to represent Muslims, it’s membership is very small and they do not speak for the majority.

    I stand by my statement as a patriotic American 100%. The pathetic part of your false allegation of bigotry is that I have for most of my adult life, defended the Constitution of the United States and the rights and safety of the citizens of Irvine. Among those rights is the freedom to worship as they choose. Tell me Dan, what have you done for your country or the people who live here? I rest my case.

  2. Pat — This is the side you’ve chosen. No one from your ticket will even meet with the local CAIR representatives. The Dallas trial refernced by Troy has 300 Islamic groups listed as co-conspirators by an overszealous prosecutor. If you don’t believed you helped fan the flames of hatred against Mulsim Americans in our community, you arte sorely mistaken. And if its not bigotry, then what is it? You refuse to exp[and your knowledge about CAIR by refusing to even meet them. Sorry, I don’t think that’s rthe sortr of person I want on my city council.

    According to the Register, Todd has raised $10,000 more than you have. Local support usually comes in the form of local money.

    If you want to question what I’ve done for my country, well, it probably doesn’t matter with you. In high school, I led voter registration drives to get 18 year olds regiustered to vote. In Irvine, I was an HOA president for 8 years, served as a cubmaster for a local cubscout pack (and den leader), I volunteer and coach youth baseball, basketball and soccer (boys and girls); I run a small business and have 5 people working for me whcih contribute taxes in therir communities.. I contribute to candidates I believe in.

    No, I have never been a police officer and I have never served in the military (a hearing loss would likely disqualify me, or so I have been told). But Pat, you seem to suffer from this notion that unless one wears a uniform, they can’t be patriotic.

    Choi needes to apologize to the Muslim community for his comment. You and Shea should for your comments afterwards. By refusing to do so, you willingly demonstrate your ignorance of Muslim Americans and show how, to gain power, you will divide the community. Shame on you all for this.

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