If you can get past the Halle Berry, Sexiest Woman Alive cover story to page 140, you;ll list the publication’s lits of politican endorsements for the 2008 election (Hallie reprises the Classic Bill Clinton cover)
Esquire has endorsed the following:
- CD-40, Ed Royce, R
- CD-41, Tim Prince, D
- CD-42, Ed Chau, D
- CD-43, John Roberts, R
- CD-44, Bill Hedrick, D
- CD-45, Mary Bono Mack, R
- CD-46, Debbie Cook, D
- CD-47, Loretta Sanchez, D
- CD-48, John Campbell, R
- CD-49, Robert Hamilton, D
And Esquire has endorsed Barack Obama for president.
Tim Prince has a good shot at unseating one of the most corrupt congressmen. Check these out and send Tim some money!
Do you have a link to the endorsements? I’ve been searching Esquire’s site, but all I can find is the Obama endorsement.