Jim Lacy’s Anti-Obama Efforts; In It for the $$$

Marty Wisckoll has a terrific story up about Dana Point lawyer Jim Lacy who is targeted as one of the individuals leading the anit-Obama efforts by producing videos that suggest Obama is a Muslim.

Lacy will be running the McCain/Palin Wakes this weekend known as the Western CPAC, a gathering of conservatives to bemoan their fate on election day (perhaps the GOP OC candidates for State Senate and Assembly will show up at this one instead of skipping out like they did at the UCI candidates forum).

My favorite parts of Marty’s story.  Lacy is in it for the money:

When it comes to paying his bills, one of Lacy’s biggest sources of income is his slate mailers – mostly conservative-themed pieces that campaigns buy space on, like his “Save Prop. 13” slate. He’s expects to mail nearly 9 million pieces of his various slate mailers this year, making his one of the biggest – if not the biggest – slate mailer outfits in the state.

The exposeobama.com operation is also a money-making operation, although Brown downplayed the profitability. The latest Federal Elections Commission report shows the group behind it, dubbed the National Campaign Fund, has raised $500,000. Besides making videos, compiling news stories and maintaining the site, Lacy said expenses include buying mailing lists to disseminate information from the site.

One of the speakers coming this weekend is former Congressman Tom DeLay, which is making bartenders across OC hopeful for a profitable weekend.  What did they call him on the Stephanie Miller show? Ah, Drunky McPukeShoes.  After Tom’s had a few, ask him to say “Kay Bailey Hutchison” three times fast.  Not a pretty sight.